Sunday, August 27, 2017

Cubiertas arquitectónicas para la gastronomía tradicional

Las cubiertas arquitectónicas sirven, entre otras cosas, para cubrir espacios públicos de reunión dedicados a diferentes actividades. ¿Quién no ha disfrutado de la gastronomía local en puestos callejeros o furgonetas de comida? En el caso que nos ocupa la idea es habilitar un espacio gastronómico local mediante una gran cubierta arquitectónica que colabore en la celebración de la gastronomía local.
Se trata de una plaza en Kenia dedicada a la gastronomía. La plaza entera queda protegida del sol mediante la cubierta arquitectónica de policarbonato alveolar de Danpal®. Los paneles de policarbonato adoptan colores familiares en la tradición keniata, de forma que en el fondo parece que la plaza estuviera cubierta por telas teñidas artesanalmente. Los colores elegidos son un homenaje al colorido de la cultura keniata.
Gracias a la enorme longitud de fabricación de los paneles para cubiertas arquitectónicas, cada arco de las bóvedas de la cubierta arquitectónica es un solo panel curvado. Danpal® fabrica paneles para cubiertas arquitectónicas con diferentes curvaturas y también con distintas distancias entre apoyos. De esta forma, con una estructura ligera se consigue cubrir toda la plaza y crear un espacio bajo las cubiertas arquitectónicas que posee carácter propio gracias a las distintas tonalidades de los paneles de las cubiertas arquitectónicas que enlaza con la riqueza culinaria que se ofrece bajo las cubiertas arquitectónicas.
Las cubiertas arquitectónicas de policarbonato alveolar aúnan sus propiedades de protección frente a las condiciones atmosféricas con la creación de espacios de calidad que dotan a los espacios de unas cualidades especiales que los hacen únicos y los vinculan a las comunidades donde se asientan.
En las latitudes donde se sitúan estas cubiertas arquitectónicas la protección frente a la fuerza del sol y los dañinos rayos UV es fundamental. Además, la amplísima variedad de tonalidades que presenta Danpal® permite combinaciones que reflejan la cultura local y celebran las características distintivas del lugar. La gran longitud de los paneles de las cubiertas arquitectónicas se logra gracias a la tecnología Microcell® con un mayor número de celdillas en el interior de los paneles, dotándolos de mayor resistencia a impacto y aislamiento térmico. Todo ello colabora a alargar la vida útil de los paneles de policarbonato alveolar.

Danpal® ofrece además varios acabados diferentes para adaptarse a las distintas necesidades que y complejidad de las cubiertas arquitectónicas, pudiéndose elegir un acabado Low E para las cubiertas arquitectónicas que bloquea selectivamente los rayos solares.
cubiertas arquitectonicas

Lucernarios y cubiertas traslúcidas para iluminar interiores

Los lucernarios son elementos constructivos que se utilizan abundantemente en edificios comerciales. Pero, más allá de los lucernarios utilizados en los grandes centros comerciales nacidos en Estados Unidos y replicados a lo largo y ancho del mundo, los lucernarios son especialmente útiles en los mercados más tradicionales. Estamos viviendo una vuelta al comercio de proximidad y a la compra de productos frescos locales. Es en estas circunstancias en las que los lucernarios inundan de luz los mercados cubiertos en distintos puntos del planeta.
Los lucernarios de policarbonato celular tienen la ventaja de su gran ligereza, a la vez que aíslan de las condiciones meteorológicas del exterior.
La aparición de mercados cubiertos con lucernarios cumple la doble función de revitalizar áreas urbanas, al poder hacer la compra sin necesidad de desplazarse a una gran superficie y aumentar los puntos de venta de la producción agrícola y ganadera local, mientras se ahorra energía de varias formas diferentes. Por un lado, la proximidad de los alimentos a los consumidores reduce la polución. Esta misma proximidad del puesto de trabajo a la residencia también ayuda a reducir la huella de carbono. Además, los lucernarios traslúcidos permiten utilizar locales de gran fondo que de otra forma se encontrarían en penumbra.
Los lucernarios de Danpal® no necesitan grandes estructuras portantes gracias a la ligereza del material. Estos lucernarios protegen tanto de la lluvia como de la gama de rayos UV perniciosa perniciosa para la salud. A la vez, los lucernarios limitan enormemente las necesidades de iluminación artificial. Todo ello redunda en humanizar las ciudades y limitar la huella de carbono con la colaboración de los lucernarios de policarbonato celular.
Los lucernarios de Danpal® se pueden proyectar en una amplísima gama de colores, aunque las tonalidades claras y grisáceas suelen ser las preferidas para cubiertas y lucernarios de mercados y espacios de reunión.
La tecnología Microcell® de los paneles para lucernarios Danpal® los dota de una gran resistencia a impacto, algo muy necesario para que los lucernarios soporten el golpe del granizo, por ejemplo. Además, los lucernarios son totalmente impermeables y estancos al agua, protegiendo a los usuarios de estos espacios de las inclemencias meteorológicas, llueva, nieve o haga sol.
Los paneles para lucernarios Danpal® permiten combinar varias tonalidades y acabados para crear todo tipo de efectos y conseguir que mayor o menor cantidad de luz traspase la envolvente del edificio. Los paneles Danpal® ofrecen al proyectista un control total sobre las condiciones interiores.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Polycarbonate Panels are the Better Building Choice

Unbreakable, Unbeatable, Polycarbonate Panels
Polycarbonate panels, which are made of a material that’s virtually unbreakable, come in two different forms. There’s multiwall polycarbonate, which is a structured sheet with hollow air chambers. Solid polycarbonate is clear, flat sheeting that gives the appearance of glass. Choosing one of these will make it possible for you to select just the right plastic material for your building task. There are distinct advantages to each version, so when making your selection, your decision may be determined more by the esthetics of the appearance rather than the functionality of the panels.

Polycarbonate Panel Resistance to Scratching
Although traditional plastic and glass paneling are susceptible to scratching, the surface of the polycarbonate panel is made of a material that has been hardened to the point where it’s capable of withstanding a high level of resistance. You may have heard that when glass is scratched, the scratch is barely visible because the glass breaks in tiny shards. It’s true that, when plastic paneling is scratched, the fragments move to another location, leaving a visibly raised indentation on the surface. But keep in mind that glass is much easier to scratch.

On the other hand, polycarbonate panels, because they’re 200 times stronger than glass (yet only half the weight), are noticeably harder to crack or break. Owing to their ability to remain flexible while maintaining strength and rigidity, they are frequently chosen as a guard material for moving machinery parts, farming machinery, wind shields, and security screens. These are some of the factors that need to be considered when you’re making your choice of building

The Bendability of Polycarbonate Panels
Flexibility comes in handy for any building project, and polycarbonate panels bend. The larger the sheet, the greater the radius of the bend, making a larger sheet well suited for arching roofs. Note that the greater the thickeners and smaller the size of the panel, the less bendable the panel will be.

Polycarbonate Panels for Superior Energy Efficiency
Today’s building clients expect the buildings in which they live and work to mirror their personal concern for the environment. Sustainability is a priority for homeowners. And that’s the smart view, because energy efficiency is a cost savings. It’s estimated that approximately 40% of the energy consumption in the industrial world comes from the buildings where we live and where we work. That statistic demonstrates one of the reasons why polycarbonate panels have become so popular. They’re a multifaceted way to protect the environment and your budget. The panels in a ventilated rain system protects the building from damage that could be caused by rough weather. The air gap in the system provides natural ventilation, so insulation can stay dry and extend the life of the panels.
Choose Polycarbonate Panels for Appearance
The unique appeal of polycarbonate panels is that, when they’re chosen as the building material, there’s no need to sacrifice esthetics in favor of energy efficiency, durability, and ease of installation. That’s because Danpal polycarbonate panels come in such a variety of colors and styles that the choices are dazzling. You’ll be making the final choice based on what you want, because polycarbonate panels deliver function, all wrapped up in a pretty package.
polycarbonate panels

Façade Systems are the Popular Trend That’s Built to Last

Escape the Same Old Design with Façade Systems
When you first decided to enter the design field, there’s a good chance that you did so because you wanted to give your imagination free rein. You didn’t want to be locked into the same tired old traditional building styles. You wanted to create structures that fulfilled the function of a building, but without neglecting the beauty that brings a design out of the cookie-cutter assembly line of boring sameness. That’s why façade systems, the popular trend in building, have become so popular with designers and clients alike. They maintain the functionality of a building, but they are able to stay true to their purpose without ignoring the fact that a building can be a source of inspiration for the people who live and work within it, and an enhancement to the neighborhood.
Why Façade Systems are the Smarter Building Choice
Transparent façade systems aren’t just a building’s pretty face. They’re actually its protective armor because they offer superior protection from the weather and high-impact resistance, along with optimal thermal dynamics. Weather rules the outside world and a building that’s constructed well needs to be able to stand up to whatever comes out of the sky.  You’ll be amazed by how the quality of a façade system endures for years without needing to be replace. The energy efficiency and durability of façade systems make them the smart choice; our Danpal framed façade is one of the most popular options for buildings.
Keep in mind that façade systems aren’t one-size-fits-all for buildings. The type of façade that you select needs to suit the climate of the region where the building will be located. If you’re building in an area with an abundance of rain and wind, the façade system will have different specifications than a system that’s designed for a sunny climate.  Another factor to consider is the style of the building. The façade systems should blend with the right façade, so that they complement one another. Otherwise, an ill-suited choice could ruin the overall effect. When you’re building with a façade system, you have so many more options for color, finishes, and special effects that you want to make sure that everything is just right.
Façade Systems and Light
Perhaps the most popular feature of a façade system is the way that it makes use of natural light. Your design should accommodate the angles at which the sunlight will strike the building at different times during the day, so that you can adjust for it. Factoring this into your calculations gives you the freedom to immediately improve the quality of the building’s interior with natural light.
If you’ve never thought about the wonderful opportunities for creativity that are yours when natural light is included in your design, you’re in for an amazing revelation. Natural light isn’t usually categorized as a building material, but translucent facades have changed the rules for design. Imagine the originality that you can work with when the pattern of light on your building façade comes from nature and your inspiration.
facade systems

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Fachada de vidrio y policarbonato, cada uno en su lugar

La fachada de vidrio está siendo sustituida en algunas ocasiones por el policarbonato celular. Comparado con la fachada de vidrio, el policarbonato celular es mucho más ligero y resistente a impacto. Además, el policarbonato es mejor aislante térmico que la fachada de vidrio con menor peso. De esta forma, la fachada de vidrio ha sido sustituida en muchas ocasiones por fachadas de distintas formas de policarbonato.
Sin embargo, en ocasiones merece la pena explorar la combinación de fachada de vidrio y policarbonato para diferentes áreas de la fachada de vidrio. En el ejemplo propuesto, la fachada de vidrio queda reducida a una banda horizontal situada a la altura visual de los comensales. De esta forma, el paisaje se ofrece únicamente a la vista de las personas que ya están sentadas, enmarcándolo en la franja de la fachada de vidrio y poniéndolo en valor. El resto de la fachada se recubre de policarbonato celular translúcido que aporta la mayor parte de la iluminación natural durante el día.
La fachada de vidrio y policarbonato divide así las funciones, con la especialización de los materiales según sus características más importantes. La franja de la fachada de vidrio destaca por su transparencia, colocando la visual a la altura deseada. Sin embargo, para el paño más grande, se elige el policarbonato celular por sus características de aislamiento térmico superior, protección frente a los rayos UV y resistencia a impacto y durabilidad.
Desde el exterior el efecto es radicalmente distinto. La transparencia de la banda de fachada de vidrio se convierte en una franja oscura que transmite la sensación de vacío, por lo que la parte superior de la fachada, ejecutada en policarbonato celular, parece levitar sobre el suelo.
En la fachada de vidrio y policarbonato se combinan y resaltan las mejores características de cada material. Los paneles de policarbonato Danpal® son una de las mejores opciones para estas fachadas de vidrio y policarbonato combinado, gracias a la enorme calidad de sus paneles y las excelentes características de aislamiento que presentan. Además, la versatilidad de soluciones, unido al gran tamaño de sus paneles y los múltiples colores entre los que se puede elegir, convierten al policarbonato celular Danpal® en uno de los materiales de referencia para el diseño de fachadas de vidrio y policarbonato combinado.
fachada de vidrio

Lámina de policarbonato con color como referente

La lámina de policarbonato, inicialmente relegada a polígonos industriales, poco a poco se empieza a convertir en un referente dentro de la trama urbana en nuestras ciudades. Sin embargo, la lámina de policarbonato ha evolucionado muchísimo, tanto en sus características técnicas como en su aspecto. Empresas como Danpal® han invertido mucho tiempo, esfuerzo y recursos en mejorar la lámina de policarbonato hasta convertirla en lo que es actualmente. Gracias a todo este esfuerzo, la lámina de policarbonato hoy explora todas sus posibilidades dentro de la trama urbana, destacando sobre los demás materiales en algunos edificios, y convirtiéndose así en referente icónico para los ciudadanos.
La variedad de tonalidades y acabados de la lámina de policarbonato ha facilitado que el material destaque sobre los demás. Se pueden utilizar colores brillantes, traslúcidos, opacos, metalizados, etc. Esta versatilidad de la lámina de policarbonato es difícilmente igualable por ninguno de los materiales existentes en la actualidad.
Además, los paneles de láminas de policarbonato de Danpal® también se pueden encargar en tipo casete con el aislamiento y la iluminación integrada, de forma que nuestro edificio de lámina de policarbonato se convierta en un auténtico faro entre las luces de la ciudad.
La lámina de policarbonato se adapta a cualquier circunstancia, aunque brilla con luz especial en los edificios de formas geométricas puras, ya que es en ellos en los que destacan más las características de sus acabados y las posibilidades que ofrecen las distintas soluciones de lámina de policarbonato. Las grandes longitudes de la lámina de policarbonato Danpal®, doce metros ampliables a más en encargos especiales, logran obtener los resultados de fachadas continuas en vertical, haciendo desaparecer todas las juntas horizontales.
Además de la mejora de todas sus características visuales, la lámina de policarbonato Danpal® también posee unas excelentes características de aislamiento, resistencia a impacto y durabilidad. Gracias a todo esto, la lámina de policarbonato, especialmente los paneles de Danpal®, son utilizados hoy en día para crear edificios que se convierten en conos y que enriquecen la trama y el perfil de nuestras ciudades.

La lámina de policarbonato Danpal® está disponible en muy diversas soluciones de diseño, para adaptarse a sus necesidades de fachada, de cubiertas o lucernarios, e incluso de interiores, donde podrá explorar las magníficas cualidades y durabilidad de la lámina de policarbonato.
lamina de policarbonato

Monday, August 7, 2017

Efficient, Sustainable Rainscreen Cladding

The building materials that keep you comfortable, warm and dry have to be strong enough to withstand the rigors of the seasons, whether it’s the rains that come in the spring, the heat of summer, the damp chill of autumn or the cold that winter brings. Putting the right amount of research and thought into your building’s outdoor wardrobe can save you a significant amount of money and worry over the years if you make the right choice. Rainscreen cladding provides so many benefits in terms of its durability, ease of installation, ecological merit, esthetic appeal, and protection that we don’t think that any other option can come close to providing the same overall protection.

Rainscreen Cladding Protects Insulation
The balance between the natural environment and our man-made world is one that needs to be maintained with deliberate care. Countries included in the International Energy Agency have discovered that approximately 40% of their primary energy consumption comes from buildngs. No wonder we’re so concerned about the environment. You can see why insulation is so important and needs to be maintained to its maximum efficiency. Danpal’s Danpalon panels deliver the complete protection that your insulation needs in order to remain dry and, thanks to the air gaps that allow for natural ventilation, the insulation can maintain its efficiency for years to come.

Rainscreen Cladding’s ‘Easy Does It” Installation
Working with a material that’s easy to install is going to save you time. That’s a no-brainer. Professionals who know how to do the job work fast and efficiently to finish the project in a matter of days. Because the connections are made directly, additional support isn’t needed. The Danpal Ventilated Rainscreen System (VRS) is made of connector-bound Microcell polycarbonate panels which are three times lighter than traditional rainscreen cladding. The cost-effectiveness of the installation pays for itself over time, because of the quality of the panels, which are long-lasting and can stand up to the beating that weather delivers.
Delivering the Danpal Difference in Rainscreen Cladding
At Danpal, we’ve spent more than 30 years developing our state-of-the-art light and thermal systems to enhance modern architecture to make sure that it meets the needs of our clients. So it’s no surprise that we’re now the market leader in the industry. Pride in our work, and sensitivity to the individual tastes of our clientele, combined with an enduring respect for the safety of the planet, have made Danpal the public’s choice in rainscreen cladding. We have experts who can guide you through the process of choosing the material that’s just right for you and, because we’re truly an international company operating out of five continents, we offer wonderful global distribution channels.
Rainscreen Cladding for Building Beauty
Every building should have some kind of visual appeal so that it fits into its landscape, but not all notions of beauty are the same. Danpal panels are created with variety and personal taste in mind, allowing us to offer a satisfying range of colors and designs. The appearance of your building makes a statement about its purpose, and there’s no reason why it can’t look good at the same time.
rainscreen cladding

Danpal Façade Materials Deliver Quality and Beauty

Danpal Façade Materials for Quality Performance and Appearance
Architects and designers have learned to rely on Danpal for quality products that deliver the performance they expect. When an architect is designing a building, the creative process needs to be able to flow without hindrance. Danpal assists the smooth flow of the ideas by relieving the architect’s need to evaluate what products to use. Building experts already know that they can count on us. Our façade materials surpass expectations when it comes to appearance, cost-effectiveness, and effect on the environment. After learning a little more about us and what we provide, we’re confident that you’ll want to see for yourself how well Danpal façade materials deliver the products that make your work easier.

Façade Materials for Protection Against Weather
In today’s world, we tend to spend most of our time inside, so a little bit of rain or snow doesn’t interfere too much with our day. But consider the weather from the building’s point of view. There aren’t umbrellas or heavy jackets for a building, so anytime the weather starts to act up, the roof and walls are easy targets. If the façade materials lack strength, the entire building pays the price in leaks and damage. But Danpal façade materials offer superior resistance to hail and other projectiles.  That’s because the materials expand and contract as the temperatures go up and down; that feature keeps them from cracking or breaking. With our façade systems containing co-extended UV protection, a building can count on maintaining its structural integrity for a longer period of time. These attractions provide cost-savings for the client because fewer repairs are required to maintain the building in prime condition. We advise clients to be warned that there are cheaper, inferior products on the market that can’t make this claim, so when choosing your façade materials, choose wisely. Choose Danpal.
  • Façade Materials Come in an Extensive Range of Colors, Textures and Finishes
    Our unique façade materials give architects an endless source of creative possibilities to design buildings that are pleasing to the eye. Our range of colors, textures and finishes delivers a stunning display of illumination during the day. At night, the building becomes a light box, dazzling viewers with a palette of hues.
Danpal Façade Materials Inspire the Architecture of Light
The single-glazed façade materials offered by Danpal come in so many different colors and special effects that architects feel as if they’re designing a work of art instead of a building. They’re lightweight and flexible and superior to glass. By combining transparency with the balance of light and thermal dynamics, our façade materials present an appearance that’s a delight to behold, without sacrificing anything in strength or resistance. We create products that respect the environment and enhance the visual landscape.

Danpal Experience and Expertise for Superior Façade Materials
Our company has been a dynamic presence in the building industry for over half a century and during those 50-plus years, we’ve continued to innovate as the market adapts to new priorities and preferences. That’s easy for Danpal to do because we’ve never lost sight of our vision, which is to be a global company that remains on the cutting-edge of architecture. As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, and more attuned to the visual appeal of a building in which people spend so much of their time, we’re providing the materials to make that design come to life. But we’ve never lost sight of the importance of providing quality products that last. We’re your best source when it comes to building contemporary structures with the latest in modern technology, and the most enduring of timeless quality standards.
facade materials

What to Look for in a Quality Roofing System

A roofing system has such an important job to do that if it fails, the integrity of the entire building is jeopardized. That’s why, at Danpal, we believe that it’s important to start your building off right by making sure that you find a roofing system that delivers the best possible performance. After all, a building doesn’t just consist of walls, roofs, floors, and windows. There are people inside, and the building needs to be sure to keep them comfortable. Danpal builds for the people under the roof and that’s why we’re so particular about the products we provide. Here are some of the qualities that your roofing system should guarantee: 100% leakproof; lightweight; superior visual appearance; excellent thermal performance; reliable airtight and watertight protection; high-impact resistance; cold bending of panels on site. If your building can deliver all of these, chances are it’s built with a Danpal roofing system.

Microcell Technology for Performance
Microcell technology is the latest, most advanced system for protection against the worst that weather can send.  Its long-term service capabilities are what you’re looking for in high-impact resistance and defense against leaks.  The technology also provides the translucency that supports daylighting applications that architects enjoy working with.

Panels that Support Superior Visual Appearance
Danpal’s panels are not only strong, they’re attractive. Add that trait to the Danpal daylighting phenomenon and you have a roofing system that is as beautiful as it is strong. The tight spacing between the panel ribs creates a unique structure that balances light and thermal dynamics.

Flawless Thermal Insulation
The cell structure again comes through to deliver a product that surpasses expectation. This time, it’s manifested in superior thermal insulation that, thanks to improved ‘U’ and ‘R’ values, offers improved energy efficiency.

UV Protection
The roof is the first target of weather, but thanks to the co-extruded UV protection of Danpalon panels, your roofing system can anticipate a longer life.

Danpal believes in developing products that allow architects to unleash their creativity. Danpal roofing systems’ snap-on dry-glazed connectors are available in a substantial range, so that the architect enjoys the utmost in flexibility as part of the creative process.

Danpal Daylighting for a Little Something Extra
We get a lot of questions about the way we incorporate natural lighting into our products so that architects have a special secret weapon when designing attractive buildings. Although everyone appreciates the esthetics of a structure that allows daylighting to be part of design, we don’t just do it so that the buildings are prettier. The Danpal mission is to create exceptional, light-transmitting architectural systems that provide optimal solar and thermal comfort in a holistic environment. We’re completely dedicated to the idea that buildings are for people. Daylight is a vital component for health and happiness. We like to provide our version of Vitamin D for Danpal buildings by giving the architect an extra tool in his creative tool kit.
For over 50 years, Danpal, a truly global company with a thriving presence on five continents, has been offering unique and innovative solutions to architects. Our customers count on us for premium quality and customized products.
roofing system

Pick Polycarbonate Panels for Your Building Choice

Building materials have come a long way. The customer of today expects to live and work in a structure that conforms to energy regulations, remains comfortable and dry inside no matter what kind of weather is taking place outside, delivers a level of efficiency that translates into savings in the budget, and is attractive as well. That might sound like a lot to ask for, but the industry has advanced to an exciting performance level where companies thrive on providing the kind of customer satisfaction that keeps clients coming back. The evolution of quality in building materials is particularly impressive when we consider the way polycarbonate panels have become the go-to choice for architects who want to work with a material that’s strong, tough, and attractive. Its durability and high-impact resistance make it ideal for usage in construction, with the added appeal of its transparency to visible light, which gives it much better light transmission than glass does. Polycarbonate panels are so popular that they are replacing other traditional building materials.

Polycarbonate Panels Protect Insulation with Ventilation
The exterior of a building is the initial line of defense against the elements that can weaken a structure’s interior. Danpal facades utilize natural ventilation that creates an air gap so that, behind the panels, convective motion is constantly taking place. The insulation stays dry and maintains its energy efficiency.
Polycarbonate Panels are Better than Glass
We’ve already told you that our polycarbonate panels are becoming more popular than traditional building materials, but the competition between our panels and glass has really revolutionized the building market and it’s no wonder. Both glass and polycarbonate are equally translucent, but glass is twice as heavy as our panels. Polycarbonate wins out in the strength competition as well: polycarbonate sheeting and paneling are approximately 200 times stronger than standard glass, and 20 times stronger than tempered glass. But because of the significantly lighter weight, polycarbonate panels are so much easier to transport and to install.
Cost-Effective, Energy-Efficient Polycarbonate Panels
A building material like polycarbonate easily becomes the favorite for architects because it allows them to design a building that meets all the requirements of the client without sacrificing affordability. No one wants to spend any more on their utility bills than they have to, and polycarbonate panels help to economize because they’re high-quality insulators. Energy isn’t wasted and it doesn’t escape out of the building, so the building occupants benefit from the savings of only paying for energy that they’re actually using.
Polycarbonate Panels Deliver Satisfaction
The earliest versions of polycarbonate weren’t very popular because they cost too much and they didn’t deliver the energy efficiency of today’s model. Back then, the building industry used toughened glass and polyethylene membrane, but Danpal designers, benefitting from the company’s years of experience and dedication to research, led the way in the development of polycarbonate panels that blend high-impact strength, anti-drop, frame resistance, UV protection, transmission of light, and visual appeal.
polycarbonate panels