Saturday, November 11, 2017

Cubiertas arquitectónicas que definen espacios abiertos

Las cubiertas arquitectónicas se pueden utilizar para aislar a los ocupantes de un edificio de las inclemencias del tiempo. No obstante, también se pueden utilizar de más formas que no implican cerrar completamente el espacio bajo las cubiertas arquitectónicas.
En el caso de esta mezquita en Adelaida, las cubiertas arquitectónicas no se diseñan para contener el espacio, sino para definirlo. Aquí, estas cubiertas arquitectónicas, cuya repetición de lucernarios en forma de bóveda de cañón en cierto modo recuerdan a las cubiertas arquitectónicas de mezquitas famosas como la de Córdoba, tienen una función que se puede dividir en dos vertientes diferentes.
Por un lado, las cubiertas arquitectónicas de policarbonato celular de Danpal® confieren calidad de espacio interior a una zona que en realidad no lo es. De esta forma, se distingue el área de patio con cubiertas arquitectónicas del resto del espacio abierto y adquiere unas características muy diferentes e importantes en un lugar de culto.
Por otro lado, cubiertas arquitectónicas como esta consiguen que el espacio bajo ellas disfrute de lo mejor de dos mundos. El espacio sigue abierto al aire libre, eliminando la necesidad de ventilación y poniendo a los feligreses en contacto con su entorno. Y, a la vez, las cubiertas arquitectónicas traslúcidas de policarbonato celular de Danpal® filtran los rayos solares, bloqueando los perniciosos rayos ultravioletas que son especialmente dañinos en el cono sur del planeta.
Además de los rayos UV, el policarbonato celular de las cubiertas arquitectónicas de Danpal® también puede bloquear los infrarrojos de los rayos solares, que son los responsables del ambiente cálido bajo las cubiertas arquitectónicas transparentes o traslúcidas. Para lograrlo, la empresa Danpal® ofrece un acabado especial llamado Low E para sus paneles de cubiertas arquitectónicas. De esta forma, el ambiente bajo las cubiertas arquitectónicas en un lugar tan cálido como Australia se beneficia de la iluminación natural que proporcionan los paneles traslúcidos para cubiertas arquitectónicas Danpal® sin el calor que suele acompañar a este tipo de cubiertas arquitectónicas ni el peligro de verse expuesto a los rayos ultravioletas en latitudes donde el agujero de ozono aún es peligroso para los seres humanos.
Los paneles para cubiertas arquitectónicas de Danpal® ofrecen además la posibilidad de curvarse en frío. En cubiertas arquitectónicas como la mezquita del ejemplo, Danpal® ofrece paneles con distintos radios de curvatura y luces entre apoyos, para adaptarlos a todo tipo de cubiertas arquitectónicas que salgan de la imaginación del arquitecto.

Aunque en cubiertas arquitectónicas traslúcidas suelen preferirse los tonos blancos, Danpal® ofrece paneles en una amplísima gama de colores para diseñar cualquier tipo de cubierta arquitectónica, con la garantía de que todos sus paneles cumplen las regulaciones más estrictas a nivel mundial. Además, los paneles para cubiertas arquitectónicas de Danpal® tienen una de las mejores resistencias a impacto del sector, gracias a la tecnología Microcell® desarrollada por Danpal® que incorpora un número muy elevado de nervaduras por unidad de grosor.
cubiertas arquitectonicas

Lucernarios traslúcidos para los nuevos espacios urbanos

Los lucernarios en cubierta se han convertido en una nueva forma de iluminar muy utilizada en la actualidad. Parte de estas modificaciones en la iluminación natural se deben a los cambios producidos en la sociedad, que se reflejan en nuevos espacios urbanos con usos inimaginables hace unos siglos.
El aeropuerto JFK deslumbra al visitante con su lucernario central en forma de bóveda de cañón que recuerda a la nave central de una gran catedral medieval. Sin embargo, la diferencia de usos implica que este gran espacio necesita una iluminación de calidad a la vez que dispone de los laterales para circulaciones e instalaciones del aeropuerto. De esta forma, el lucernario central continuo se convierte en una forma de iluminación realmente práctica, que permite disfrutar de una iluminación cenital difuminada mientras se liberan las fachadas laterales para incluir las dependencias necesarias en un aeropuerto.
Los nuevos usos han traído, por lo tanto, soluciones imaginativas basadas en experiencias arquitectónicas del pasado, como los lucernarios que se reinventan para iluminar salas de aeropuerto, grandes espacios deportivos o centros comerciales. Los lucernarios en forma de bóveda de cañón el aeropuerto JFK aprovechan la gran versatilidad de los paneles Danpal® para lucernarios y cubiertas y sacan el máximo partido de su capacidad para tamizar la luz a su paso por el lucernario.
Danpal es una empresa líder en la investigación y desarrollo de nuevas soluciones con policarbonato celular que permiten optimizar las posibilidades de eficiencia energética y diseño del policarbonato. La marca ofrece paneles de cubierta que se adaptan a cualquier radio de curvatura del lucernario y a numerosas distancias entre apoyos. Además, los paneles Danpal® se pueden curvar en frío si fuera preciso y son muy ligeros, lo que permite reducir enormemente las dimensiones de la estructura portante del lucernario.
En lugares con clima tan dispar como Nueva york, con inviernos muy crudos y veranos muy cálidos y húmedos, los lucernarios de policarbonato Danpal® son una solución óptima para los problemas de durabilidad. En invierno, los paneles de los lucernarios hacen gala de su extraordinaria resistencia a impacto y su tecnología Microcell®, con un gran número de celdillas por unidad de grosor, permite que aguanten sin problemas la sobrecarga de nieve que se podría producir en el lucernario. Además, el policarbonato celular es totalmente impermeable, solucionando el problema de la lluvia y el viento que pudieran azotar a los lucernarios.

Por otro lado, en verano los lucernarios de Danpal® ayudan a mantener una climatización óptima en el interior del aeropuerto, a la vez que lo iluminan y permiten ahorrar energía durante el día. Los paneles para lucernarios Danpal® presentan una transmitancia muy reducida. Además, el aumento de temperatura bajo los lucernarios debido a la radiación solar se puede reducir eligiendo el acabado Low E de Danpal®, que bloquea el espectro infrarrojo del sol responsable de la ganancia calorífica en el interior de los lucernarios.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Danpal’s Roofing Systems Are Built to Last

Get out your GPS. Or better yet, your geography textbook from your school days. Get ready to Google. If you’re designing a building, you’re going to be choosing a roofing system. But before you do that, you need to do some research. What’s the climate in the area where your building will be located? Is there a lot of sunshine? What about rain? Don’t forget wind. What are the winters like in your building’s destination?
As you can see, there’s a lot of background work that needs to be done before you can settle on a final choice for what roofing system will be the best for your building. There’s one way to make that decision a little easier, however. A Danpal roofing system is going to save you time, because Danpal’s engineering and design experts have already done the research and they know what kind of roofing you’re going to need to provide. They know because it’s their business to know this kind of information. Danpal’s panels are built with a double-tooth grip-lock connection to give the roofing strong resistance to weather threats like hail, strong winds, and heavy snow. But we also know about weather because Danpal operates on five continents, each with its own particular weather patterns and climate needs.
How Roofing System Needs Have Changed
Technology, which has changed our lives in so many ways, has also had a remarkable effect on roofing systems. Over the past few decades, the type of roofing materials that’s available has changed, providing many more options from which to make a selection.
As technology has improved, regulations have become more stricter. VOC regulations have been enacted which affect available choices in coatings, sealants, and adhesives. With the passing of years, old attitudes toward the environment have undergone an incredible transformation. It’s no longer enough to build for today. Modern consumers expect the architect and the building industry to focus on sustainability and with that new perspective comes a vigorous emphasis on sustainability. How long will the roof last? Of course, that depends on the materials that it’s made of. Building for a long life blends well with the contemporary desire for sustainability. Once again, Danpal is going to save you time and money, because we’ve already made sustainability a priority.
Roofing Systems and Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency and sustainability go hand in hand for the building industry, and roofing systems are particularly important in this area. The “R” values of roof insulation have almost tripled in recent decades, a pattern which is likely to continue in the future. You can count on a Danpal roofing system to keep the heat inside so that your energy use doesn’t waste money by escaping outside.
Danpal Roofing Systems Have the Advantage
The roof is where the weather starts, and that’s why a Danpal roof is the smart choice. Keeping the moisture from rain and snow from penetrating the interior of the building is central to efficient, effective performance. Selecting high-quality Danpal products rather than cheap materials will make the difference in your roofing system. Built to work right, built to last, built to your satisfaction—that’s the Danpal pledge.
roofing systems

Curtain Wall Systems for a Building’s Function and Esthetics

If the interior of a building is designed to be occupied, a building’s exterior function is to hold weather at bay. If you imagine weather as an invading force always trying to penetrate the defenses of a building, you can understand why Danpal focuses so much of our research on the best ways to protect structures from the ravages of the elements. Our curtain wall systems are part of the arsenal that can be utilized to make sure that when weather attacks, it won’t be able to get past the Danpal shield of strength. A curtain wall system isn’t designed for structural purposes, but the system unites protective and esthetic capabilities to provide a reserve layer of defense against weather.
Curtain Wall Systems and Weather
Think of the hottest day you’ve ever spent. Remember how it felt when the sun was beating down on you? Eventually, you were able to go inside, or take refuge in the shade. Not so for a building. Now recall the coldest day in your memory, and the wettest day. Every weather episode that you can recall had an end point, but for a building, there’s no relief until the weather itself changes. You can see why a building needs all the help it can get, and that’s the kind of help that Danpal has been providing for 50 years.
How a Curtain Wall System Protects Against Weather Damage
Danpal’s famous Microcell technology delivers the high-impact resistance that gives a building protection from the worst that weather can do. The double-click locking seam provides extra security for a level of defense that, although simple, is amazingly effective.  Buildings with curtain wall systems made of shoddy, inferior materials can’t compare to the quality of a Danpal curtain wall system, so when shopping for the best product, make sure that you know what you’re getting. If the quality is poor, you may end up dealing with damage caused by moisture that was able to get in, structural stress and even, in extreme cases, collapse, and loss of heat. Choose wisely by choosing Danpal.  

Curtain Wall Systems and Visual Appeal
Believe it or not, your building is multi-tasking just by standing there. It’s fighting off the weather. It’s keeping the inside temperature consistent with heating and cooling. It’s utilizing energy in an efficient, cost-effective way so that what you’re using inside doesn’t escape outside. It’s creating a safe, comfortable environment for the people within. And, if you have a Danpal curtain wall system, your building also looks attractive while it’s doing all these things.  The architect who designs the building is calling upon his or her creative abilities to produce a building that performs both functionally and esthetically.  What kind of impression do you want your building to create? Are you looking for neutral tones that blend in well and conjure an atmosphere of serenity? Or do you want your building to use color to boldly announce its presence in the community? No matter what you decide, Danpal has plenty of options to satisfy your artistic ambitions.
curtain wall systems

Wall Cladding is Great for People and the Planet

We’ve become very aware, over recent decades, of how dangerous weather can be. It’s not just the damage that is caused by hurricanes and tsunamis; even a bad thunderstorm or a powerful snowfall can do significant harm to buildings and people. The sun, too, carries a hidden threat. We know about the need to wear sunscreen if we’re going to spend any significant amount of time outside. But sometimes we fail to think that our structures are just as vulnerable to the rigors of weather. Wall cladding is a building’s one-size-fits-all guard against the drenching rains, powerful hail, snow, and sunshine. When an architect is designing a building, he or she is also choosing the wall cladding that will keep a building protected from the outdoors.
How Danpal Wall Cladding Offers Superior Protection from Weather
With the development of Danpal’s Ventilated Rainscreen System, buildings have a fighting chance to protect themselves against the harmful effects of weather. The Danpal VRS on a building’s exterior protects the wood or brick beneath because it’s made with connector-bound Microcell polycarbonate panels that are three times lighter, but just as strong, as traditional rainscreen cladding.
Protection from unwelcome moisture helps to prevent the growth of mold inside a building. Mold, over time, causes immense damage inside a structure, and it also does harm to the people within, aggravating respiratory conditions such as asthma and also allergies.
Wall Cladding is Better for the Environment
Just as people and buildings benefit from the protection that wall cladding provides, the same is true of the environment. Planet Earth might be beautiful and blue, but if it’s going to remain that way, we all need to be a lot more green in our habits. One of the best ways to practice eco-friendly habits is to make sure that the buildings in which we live and work are designed for energy efficiency. Wall cladding protects a building’s insulation from leakage, allowing the insulation to function efficiently. The energy that heats and cools your structure remains inside without being lost through faulty insulation. If your insulation isn’t in peak condition, it’s likely that your heating system, although it’s working harder, is delivering less warmth. You owe it to your wallet to make sure that you’re only paying for energy that you use and wall cladding can deliver that guarantee.
Easy Wall Cladding Installation
The efficiency of Danpal wall cladding is matched by its efficient installation. Because Danpal wall cladding is so much lighter than traditional cladding, it’s noticeably easier to work with. It can be installed on different support types because the connections are fastened righ tonto the supports. It takes less time to get it done, which makes the process so much easier for the people working inside the building. You’ll appreciate the way a process that only takes a few days contributes to a project that, when finished, is going to last for years. You can count on Danpal’s experience and expertise to provide you with the wall cladding and the advice that you need for a building that will stand the test of time.
wall cladding