Sunday, April 30, 2017

Essential Information on Glass Curtain Walls

Are you thinking of investing in a glass curtain wall for your next architectural or construction project? If so, you might be confused by all the various options that you can choose from. To help you out, we’ve written this handy guide filled with all the essential information that you need to know about glass curtain walls.

Our Danpal® Single Glazed Facades are a great option, as they are translucent, dry glazed systems which are available in various configurations and can be used on many different types of buildings and structures. These lightweight systems can stand up to any type of weather that might cause damage to a regular wall. And as the Danpal® can expertly balance the light and thermal dynamics, you can guarantee that the finished product will be very aesthetically pleasing indeed!

Benefits of Glass Curtain Walls

When you choose one of our glass curtain walls, you will be benefiting from all the following advantages.

  • High Impact Resistance - You no longer have to worry about inclement weather damaging the exterior of your building as our glass curtain walls have a very high impact resistance.
  • UV Protection - All of our systems come with an improved UV protection.
  • Evenly Diffused Light - No matter what type of glass curtain wall you choose, you will find that it diffuses light evenly across the surface, making it look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Lightweight - Our walls are lightweight, which makes them quick and easy to assemble.
  • Freedom of Design - You can design a glass curtain wall that stylistically fits in with the rest of your building.
  • Air and Watertight - All of our facades are completely air and watertight, which improves insulation and prevents leaks.
  • A highly secure and certified system.
  • Microcell Technology.

The Features of Glass Curtain Walls

Our glass curtain walls act as an outer covering for a building or structure. These outer walls do not provide any structural support and do not carry the weight of the roof, but they do provide a highly stylish and aesthetically pleasing finish to the property’s facade.

There are many features of various types of glass curtains, including the following:

  • Light is quickly diffused over the surface of the wall.
  • The unique cell structure creates efficient thermal insulation.
  • Our glass curtain walls’ double “click” locking seam helps to improve the system’s security, which enables a higher resistance.
  • It is incredibly easy to construct our glass curtain walls, and is also very cost effective.
  • We offer a wide range of colors, textures, finishes, and lighting effects to ensure that your finished product fits in well with the rest of your building.
  • We use a certified system that is compliant with CSTB and ISO9001 requirements.

Still wondering whether or not a glass curtain wall is what your latest architectural project needs? Simply get in touch with us, and we’ll be more than happy to chat about your various needs and requirements. All of our customer service advisors can talk you through the different types of glass curtain walls available so that you come to the right decision!
Glass Curtain Walls

Glass Fibre Roofing Systems Options

If you have recently been considering the different options for glass fibre roofing systems, look no further. We can help you decide which is the best choice for your and your project.

All of our roofing systems use a dry glazed translucent system that can be used for many different designs. What’s more, it is also ideal for installing above or below many different types of constructions and structures. We also use many different snap-on interlocking dry glazed connectors, which are made of either aluminium or polycarbonate.

There are three different options when it comes to our Danpal roofing systems.

Glass Fibre Roofing System Options

Traditional Systems

Our traditional systems feature an aluminum or polycarbonate connector. The cold curving can all be carried out on site, and there is no fabrication required at all. As all of the connectors are concealed, this system also has an attractive appearance.

Alu Spacer System

The Alu Spacer System is a very convenient, self-supporting system that has a very clean appearance because the framing requirements are reduced. It can also be very easily connected to most building work.

Free Span System

If you are looking for a fibre roofing system option that has an excellent spanning capability, then the Free Span System could be your best choice. It also has a brilliant clean look from underneath.

Benefits of Fibre Roofing Systems

We use the latest microcell technology in all of our roofing systems, and this means that they all come with many different benefits. Here are just a few of them.

  • 100% leakproof and waterproof
  • Very lightweight
  • Excellent visual appearance
  • Fantastic thermal performance
  • Completely airtight
  • High resistance against impacts and inclement weather
  • We can carry out all of the cold bending of the panels on site.

Finishes for Glass Fibre Roofing Systems

No matter your specific project requirements, we can offer numerous finishes to ensure your roofing system looks just as good as you imagined. Our Softlite finish is fantastic for diminishing any potential glare effects. It is 100% permanent and has a matt finish that you can get in a wide range of colours. Each Softlite finish is tailored to the specific project so that your building can be highly aesthetic regardless of the type of structure and exposure it will experience.

Why Choose Danpal For Your Glass Fibre Roofing System Needs

We’ve been at the forefront of architectural creations for well over thirty years and have been responsible for some excellent and versatile state-of-the-art systems for builders. We provide daylight solutions for architects to make the most out of all their projects and construction ideas. Thanks to our varied roofing systems, we can help architects tailor the engineering, design, comfort, and aesthetics of their system so that it is the best fit for their project.

Interested to find out more? Why not contact us and speak to one of our customer advisors to find out what we can do for you and your next project. You might be surprised to hear just how simple it could be!
Glass Fibre Roofing

What exactly are Curtain Wall Systems?

So, what exactly are curtain wall systems? Well, simply put, it is a very thin wall - often made out of aluminium - that contains metal and glass panels. This is then attached to a building to create an aesthetic facade. More often than not, they are simply there to help improve the overall look of the building.

Our Danpal® facade system is made up of single-glazed translucent facades. These can be tailored to fit various types of buildings and structures. We offer two main systems, the Thermal Advanced AIrPT System and the Advanced NM System, so that you are bound to find something that perfectly matches your needs and requirements.

Danpal’s Curtain Wall Systems: Main Features

There are many different features of our curtain wall system that help our customers choose them, but here are some of the most notable ones.

  • Superior Light Diffusion - The glazing panel is made up of a unique structure that helps to diffuse natural light across the curtain wall. This can further improve the aesthetic quality of the wall.
  • High Thermal Insulation - Danpal® facade generates fantastic thermal insulation thanks to its unique cell structure.
  • High Impact Resistance and Strength - Our panels use a special Microcell structure so that any damage from inclement weather and other impacts are kept to the very minimum.
  • Air and Water Tightness - Our panels also use a snap-lock connection system that ensures the building is completely impenetrable to air and water.
  • A Flexible Design - The facade’s concealed joints can move if necessary, and the building design allows the amount of light to be controlled and hide various construction elements.
  • High Security - There is a much higher resistance thanks to a double “click” lock system.
  • Extended UV Protection - Our Danpal® facade system comes with top-quality, extended UV protection which can also help to prolong the system’s life.
  • Convenient Construction - Installing the whole system is very quick and cost effective.
  • Great Choice of Designs - You’ll be able to pick your facade’s colour, texture, effects, and finish. These can greatly help to illuminate the structure at day and turn it into a light box during the night.
  • Certified System - All of our systems are compliant with CSTB and ISO9001 requirements.

Why Choose Danpal for Your Curtain Wall System?

Here at Danpal, we are leading experts in curtain wall systems and have pioneered the whole concept of mechanically locked polycarbonate facades. Since then, we’ve helped this sector come on a long way and have revolutionized the architectural world with inspiring aesthetics and technical features. Our range of finishes and designs help to create a range of visual effects and stunning buildings.

If you want to find out more about your options for curtain wall systems, you can always give us a call and talk to one of our customer service advisors. Our various contact details are available on our website, and we are always more than happy to chat to potential customers about their design ideas. Give us a call today, and we can see how we can help you make the most out of our curtain wall systems!
Curtain Wall Systems

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

El policarbonato convierte la fachada de vidrio en cubos de luz

Las fachadas de vidrio han sido ampliamente utilizadas en los edificios representativos. Sin embargo, los nuevos tiempos imponen nuevos materiales, más eficientes, versátiles y duraderos que las fachadas de vidrio.
Los paneles de policarbonato convierten las fachadas de vidrio en envolventes mucho más seguras y sostenibles. Gracias a estas propiedades, es posible concebir cubos de luz como el del Centro Estatal de Teatro de Australia Occidental, destacando sobre la trama nocturna de una forma casi imposible para las fachadas de vidrio.
En un concepto ya explorado por Moneo en los cubos del Kursaal de San Sebastián, este centro de teatro transforma la fachada de vidrio en una envolvente de policarbonato capaz de filtrar los rayos solares, y se erige en faro que destaca en la oscuridad de la noche gracias a la combinación de iluminación sostenible LED y las propiedades translúcidas del policarbonato.
Frente a esta solución, las fachadas de vidrio presentan además el gran problema del aislamiento térmico insuficiente, algo que se soluciona al sustituirlas por el sistema de fachadas con paneles de policarbonato de Danpal, cuyas características aislantes y filtradoras de los rayos más dañinos para la salud humana se hacen indispensables en un entorno tan agresivo para las fachadas de vidrio como el australiano.
En Danpal se fabrican paneles de diversas longitudes y grosores, desde 4 mm hasta 30 mm, para adaptarse a todas las necesidades de aislamiento sin aumentar excesivamente el peso. En las fachadas de vidrio, el aumento del tamaño del cristal siempre va irremisiblemente acompañado de un aumento de peso, lo cual provoca un aumento de las secciones de la estructura auxiliar de las fachadas de vidrio y de las cargas en general.
En la actualidad, las fachadas de vidrio de grandes dimensiones han perdido mucho de su sentido, al ser posible aprovechar la luz natural mediante paneles de policarbonato que, además, tienen el valor añadido del aislamiento térmico, la facilidad de montaje y la gran resistencia a impacto.

Si lo que se desea es la transparencia que proporciona la fachada de vidrio, en Danpal ofrecen una lámina de policarbonato compacta que aúna a su transparencia una mayor resistencia a impacto, pensada para aumentar la durabilidad de la fachada de vidrio por muchos años. Esta lámina compacta aporta también mayor aislamiento térmico y la posibilidad de curvarlo en frío y en obra, a un coste muy inferior que el resultante de las fachadas de vidrio.
fachada de vidrio

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Ventajas de las fachadas ventiladas con materiales del futuro

Si hablamos de fachadas ventiladas, hablamos de arquitectura del siglo XX en adelante, ya que es gracias a los avances técnicos y los nuevos materiales de construcción que surge la fachada ventilada.
El principio de la fachada ventilada es sencillo: se divide el muro de cerramiento en varias capas según su función, y se aprovecha al máximo las cualidades del aire y de las corrientes de convección como una capa más del aislamiento. Para ello, al cerramiento ciego interior se adhiere el aislamiento de la fachada ventilada en forma de planchas de varios centímetros de grosor. A esta hoja interior se ancla también una subestructura que sostendrá el acabado de la fachada ventilada. Y, por fin, se deja una cámara de aire ventilada entre el aislamiento y la piel exterior de la fachada ventilada.
De esta forma, en verano la fachada ventilada utiliza las propiedades de las corrientes de convección e impulsa el aire recalentado de la cámara de la fachada ventilada hacia arriba, introduciéndose aire fresco por la base de la fachada ventilada. Este aire recorre de nuevo toda la fachada ventilada, refrescando a su paso el aislamiento interior.
Sin embargo, en invierno la corriente de convección apenas se mueve y actúa como una capa más de aislamiento.
La última capa de la fachada ventilada es la cara que el edificio mostrará al mundo, así que debe ser hermosa. Los paneles del sistema de fachadas ventiladas VRS de Danpal logran este efecto. Son paneles ligeros, de grandes longitudes para minimizar el efecto “juntas” y crear una piel continua, y dotan al conjunto de un gran aislamiento térmico que, unido al resto de capas del sistema de fachadas ventilada, logran una inercia térmica superior con muy poco peso.
Además, los paneles para fachadas ventiladas VRS de Danpal permiten todas las combinaciones de colores que se puedan imaginar, con resultados clásicos como el de Street Housing Hautpoul Breakfast o efectos mucho más sorprendentes y coloridos.
Los paneles de policarbonato celular de Danpal se presentan en varios grosores a elegir dependiendo de las condiciones climáticas de la fachada, y se pueden curvar en obra cuando sea necesario. Hay varios acabados disponibles, destacando el tratamiento antigrafittis y anticontaminación Danpal HD, ideal para entornos urbanos y que alarga aún más el aspecto resplandeciente de la fachada ventilada.

En conjunto, los paneles Danpal del sistema VRS cumplen a la perfección los requisitos necesarios para convertirse en la piel exterior de las fachadas ventiladas de los edificios más eficientes energéticamente.
fachadas ventiladas