Thursday, May 31, 2018

Worry-Free Wall Cladding Keeps The Moisture Out

The next time you’re listening to the weather forecast, you might want to consider the state of your wall cladding. What, you wonder, does the daily weather have to do with wall cladding? Actually, a lot, especially if you don’t have wall cladding by Danpal. That’s because inferior wall cladding may not be able to provide the level of protection that a building’s insulation must have if it’s going to be able to perform at a satisfactory level.  Insulation that’s been compromised is going to cost money over time because energy is escaping, forcing heating and cooling systems to work harder to maintain a consistent temperature. Lost energy is a major factor for environmental concerns. In most of the world’s IEA countries, buildings are blamed for the use of 40% of primary energy consumption. You can imagine what happens to that number if energy is being wasted.
But if you have Danpal wall cladding, you’re not worrying about the weather forecast because you know that, if it rains or snows, your insulation is safe and dry. Danpal wall cladding doesn’t let moisture penetrate.  Danpal manufactures products that conform to high environmental standards in order to assist energy efficiency. If you have Danpal wall cladding, you don’t have to worry when you listen to the weather forecast. If it’s going to rain, take an umbrella. If snow is predicted, wear a warm coat. You don’t have to worry about your wall cladding because Danpal has already taken care of it.
Danpal: The Best Wall Cladding
An air gap in Danpal wall cladding makes use of natural ventilation to keep the insulation dry. The convective motion behind the wall cladding also keeps the insulation free from moisture and working efficiently so that moisture doesn’t develop. Water doesn’t penetrate because of our exclusive double nothing.  Connector-bound microcell polycarbonate panels keep your building leak-free and moisture-free. For full insulation protection, consider the merits of the Danpal Ventilated Rainscreen System. Keeping moisture out is so important for the long life of your building because once snow and rain are able to penetrate a building’s defenses and leave moisture behind, leaks will soon follow. Wall cladding is designed to keep out the leaks and the moisture so that problems don’t develop.
Danpal Wall Cladding Offers Esthetic Options
Danpal wall cladding is so easy to work with that it makes the installation process vastly simpler than it is for other wall cladding of traditional weight.  Danpal wall cladding is lightweight; it’s also customizable, up to 12.0m standard lengths. This feature, along with our great range of designs and colors to choose from, lets customers enjoy a level of personal choice that isn’t often found in the building industry.
Proof That Danpal Wall Cladding Is Superior
Danpal wall cladding is designed to do a better job of protecting insulation from weather. It’s energy efficient, saving you money and supporting the health of the planet.  It’s customizable so that an architect can be satisfied in knowing that his design reflects his originality and creativity. It’s lightweight, easy to work with, and easy to install.
And when you have Danpal wall cladding, you aren’t alarmed by the weather forecast, because you already have all the protection you need for your building’s insulation.
wall cladding

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Polycarbonate Sheets: Today’s Building Material Choice For Strength and Flexibility

Fifty years as leaders in the building industry have provided Danpal with a reputation for innovation and expertise. We operate on five continents so, in addition to our decades of experience, we have a global presence that enhances our ability to live up to our motto, Global Vision, Local Focus. As the market’s expectations change  to include materials that are stronger, lighter, more energy efficient and easier to work with, Danpal has been in the forefront of the transformation in the industry. Our reputation as leaders in the manufacturing of building materials has been solidified by our commitment to cutting-edge products that meet customer expectations.
Not all companies have been able to keep up the pace of change that has resulted from technological advances, and not all of the products that were once popular in the industry have been able to maintain their edge. Polycarbonate sheets are one of the new products on the market; they are so strong, flexible and attractive that they are replacing more traditional building materials such as glass.
Polycarbonate Sheets Don’t Surrender To Weather
No matter what weather pattern we’re in, we can be sure that weather will continue to be a force with which to be reckoned. Snow, rain, wind, and hail haven’t changed. Fortunately, technology and efficiency have changed. Polycarbonate sheets, which are available in two different forms, are part of the technological innovation that is redefining how buildings are designed and built. You may choose multiwall polycarbonate, which is a structured sheet with hollow air chambers, or solid polycarbonate, which is a clear, flat sheeting that resembles glass in looks but is much stronger and lighter.
Polycarbonate Sheets Are Flexible
If a product is lightweight and easy to work with, as polycarbonate sheets are, it’s going to be popular with architects and clients. That’s because installation is going to be smoother as well, causing less disruption for the client and the workplace. When time is saved, money is saved. The flexibility of polycarbonate sheets has already won over clients who manufacture farming machinery, windshields, security screens, and moving machinery parts. Polycarbonate sheets actually bend, making them so much more versatile than glass. If you have an arching roof, a larger polycarbonate sheet is particularly well suited. The larger the size of the sheet, the greater is the bend’s radius.
Polycarbonate is hardened so that its strength is 200 times that of glass but only half as heavy. And yet, polycarbonate sheets are virtually unbreakable. It’s plain to see why architects choose polycarbonate sheets to work with.

The Danpal Ventilated Rain System (VRS) Uses Polycarbonate Sheets
Danpal’s Ventilated Rain System’s polycarbonate sheets keep insulation dry thanks to the air gap that provides natural ventilation. Keeping insulation dry is a vital consideration in the life span of a building because once insulation is compromised, so is the building, even if problems don’t show up immediately.

By using polycarbonate sheets, you’re giving your building all the protection that it needs in order to be able to fight off weather and prevent moisture from penetrating. You’re benefitting as well, because polycarbonate is one of the most popular materials in the industry.
polycarbonate sheets

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Skylight Roofing Captures Daylight

As the weather begins to change from cold, chilly winter to warmer spring, we all try to spend as much time outside as we possibly can. For everyone who lives in the climate zones where snow, cold winds and ice are a feature of daily existence for three to four months of the year, spring is like the call of the siren. We want to go outside and enjoy the beauty of nature, the fragrant breezes, and most of all, the daylight. But we can’t, because we have to stay inside to work. Once we get home, we’re so busy with household tasks and family needs that the day seems to escape from us.  Maybe that’s why skylight roofing is so popular; it’s a way to capture some of that daylight even though we’re inside.  Danpal skylight roofing, with the famed daylighting architecture that Danpal has pioneered, is one way to  hold onto as much natural light as possible, even when inside.
If you think that you feel better in natural light, you’re not imagining it. Studies have proven what we already now: we like the light! We’re more productive in natural light; we feel better about ourselves; our attitude is more positive. We need artificial light, too, but there’s just nothing like natural light and with skylight roofing, that natural light is present inside your living space or work space.  
You’ll be glad to learn that whether your existing roof is concrete or profiled metal, skylight roofing is easy to install. Danpal’s roofing systems are customizable so that they can vary in length and size; this makes them easy to integrate and connect into place. What does this mean for the customer?  Less time and effort during the installation process equals less inconvenience and less cost.
Danpal uses microcell technology because it’s so strong. Weather is a fierce foe but a building has to be able to withstand the forces of nature, whether it’s the powerful rainstorms that send water flooding from the skies, or harsh winter snows and winds.   There’s no way to avoid weather, so the only solution is to design buildings that are strong enough to handle it. That’s why microcell technology, with its resistance to the damage that weather can do, is such an asset for skylight roofing. And Danpal skylight roofing also has UV protection, because even those hot, sunny days that we love can be hard on a roof if it’s not protected.
With the Danpavault Barrel Vault Skylight System, your building benefits from a skylight roofing system with evenly diffused natural light, optimum insulation, easy integration, and UV protection. Installation is no problem because it can be a self-supporting skylight or it can be placed on top of a metal structure. Different span sizes can be accommodated with aluminum framing options.  Customization, always a favorite feature with architects, offers more freedom and flexibility in the design.
If you’re eager to have more daylight in your life, skylight roofing can make it happen.

skylight roof

Monday, May 21, 2018


A lot of thought goes into the making of a building. The client has a certain notion of what the building needs to look like in order for it to fulfill its designated purpose. The architect develops the plans to take the building from an idea to a design. The construction crew uses tools and machines to bring the idea and the plans to fruition so that finally, after a great deal of time, effort, and thought, the building rises from the ground, ready to be put to use. If all has goes according to plan, the building will be a presence in the community, whether residential or commercial, for a long time. But there’s one simple thing that can sabotage that longevity. If the building’s insulation is not protected from the harmful effects of weather, the building will not last.  Danpal plastic roofing, strong, sustainable, and popular, is also designed to provide protection for your insulation.
Danpal plastic roofing is all about keeping the inside of a building safe and comfortable for its occupants.  Our plastic roofing provides thermal insulation that reduces the transfer of heat. Thanks to this protective layer, thermal radiation is reflected.  Our microcell technology improves heat insulation. Our plastic roofing is able to diffuse sunlight by means of a special coating that can prevent UV rays from causing harm to the interior or exterior building surfaces.  
Hail is one of the most damaging of all the weather elements. But because plastic roofing is so strongly woven, hail bounces off the surface without leaving behind any damage. Plastic roofing is also able to withstand the other weather effects, like driving snow and heavy rains, that could otherwise cause damage to a building, particularly if moisture is able to penetrate the structural defenses and invade the interior space. Plastic roofing is designed to be more powerful than that weather that is attacking it.
The interior rooms of a building should be maintained at a consistent temperature so that they’re warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This consistency helps your heating and cooling systems from having to overwork. But if energy is escaping, those systems have to work much harder to maintain the desired temperature. In addition, wasted energy is harmful to the environment.  Buildings in developed countries are known for being the source of 40% of the primary energy usage in those countries. Wasted energy prevents us from doing all that we can to maintain a sustainable lifestyle. Plastic roofing, with its emphasis on efficiency, supports sustainable practices that benefit the environment.
Danpal’s plastic roofing is made of aluminum and polycarbonate. Both those materials are very strong, designed to take a lot of punishment from the elements. With plastic roofing’s snap-on, interlocking, dry-glazed connectors, the finished product is a roof that’s both airtight and watertight. You won’t have to worry about the moisture from the rain or snow invading your space. Nor will you have to deal with drafts caused by the wind. Plastic roofing shelters a building’s occupants inside while, outside, it’s giving the building all the protection from weather that it needs.

plastic roofing

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Sistema de fachadas flexible, transparente y aislante

El sistema de fachadas Danpal® es un sistema translúcido que combina paneles Danpalon® con perfiles de acristalamiento y diversos acabados. Diseñado para ser utilizado en una amplia variedad de revestimientos, el sistema de fachadas Danpal® ofrece una enorme cantidad de beneficios. Entre ellos, se destacan su peso ligero y la excelente resistencia hacia el impacto y las adversidades del clima, como por ejemplo, hacia los daños ocasionados por el granizo.
La estructura única del panel Danpalon® incluido en el sistema de fachadas Danpal®  transmite de forma homogénea la luz natural. Ya que el panel fue específicamente diseñado para aplicaciones de arquitectura de la luz, el espacio entre las nervaduras es estrecho, detalle que produce una apariencia estéticamente agradable. La composición de las celdas incluidas en el sistema de fachadas Danpal® proporciona un aislamiento térmico superior. Esta tecnología ofrece beneficios significativos en cuanto a la eficiencia energética de edificios y una reducción en los costos de refrigeración y calefacción de los mismos.
El sistema de conexión standing seam proporciona estanqueidad total ante el agua y el aire. Como empresa visionaria en tecnologías arquitectónicas, Danpal® fue la primera compañía en el mundo que desarrolló el sistema de panel translúcido llamado standing seam. Ni el agua ni el aire pasarán al interior del edificio gracias a este sistema de fachadas; tan solo la luz solar. Además, el sistema de fachadas Danpal® posee protección contra los rayos UV para garantizar una mayor vida útil al sistema.
Una de las cualidades a destacar también es la flexibilidad de diseño ofrecida. Al elegir el sistema de fachadas Danpal® para sus proyectos, los profesionales de la construcción pueden controlar la cantidad de luz que debe ingresar a un edificio, ocultar elementos de la construcción que generen un contraste visual indeseado o crear una fachada más creativa aún mediante la integración de acristalamientos convencionales. Además, el sistema de fachadas Danpal® se puede crear a partir de una extensa gama de texturas, colores, acabados y efectos luminosos que proporcionan una gran variedad de opciones para obtener fachadas atractivas que se adapten exactamente a los requerimientos de los clientes.
Mediante la utilización de materiales que poseen flexibilidad superior, transparencia y cualidades tonales similares a las ofrecidas por el vidrio, Danpal® otorga el equilibrio perfecto entre luz y dinámicas térmicas para cualquier edificio. El sistema de fachadas se instala de manera rápida y simple. Es una opción rentable, ya que, debido a sus propiedades aislantes, genera grandes ahorros energéticos.  

Por más de tres décadas, el sistema de fachadas desarrollado por Danpal® ha sido implementado alrededor del mundo en proyectos arquitectónicos de tipo educativo, comercial, deportivo e industrial. Clientes de todo el planeta confían en las soluciones de Danpal® porque, además, requieren un mantenimiento mínimo y ofrecen control total en el consumo de energía. Como líder indiscutido en el diseño y en la fabricación de sistemas de luz natural con propiedades de aislamiento térmico y de resistencia, Danpal® permite que los profesionales de la arquitectura aprovechen los recursos naturales en un entorno responsable y de manera sustentable.
sistema de fachadas

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tecnología de vanguardia en la creación de lucernarios

En diversos tipos de edificios, la implementación de lucernarios permite aprovechar espacios bajo cubierta al brindar la posibilidad de disfrutar de la luz del sol o de una noche estrellada. En la actualidad, existen numerosas opciones en lucernarios, desde algunos pequeños, necesarios para iluminar una habitación, hasta otros enormes que permiten la entrada de luz natural en espacios con capacidad para cientos de personas. Hoy en día, los lucernarios hechos con policarbonato celular se han transformado en una solución en arquitectura de la luz que puede aplicarse en los entornos más diversos.
Los paneles de policarbonato celular desarrollados por Danpal® son comercializados bajo el nombre de Danpalon®. Estos paneles microcelulares están confeccionados con una innovadora tecnología de extrusión, la cual posee diez veces más celdas que otros paneles del mercado. La distancia corta entre nervaduras permite a los clientes obtener la mejor combinación de fuerza y transparencia. Los paneles microcelulares Danpalon® son 100 % impermeables y resistentes a impactos, además de ser aislantes térmicos. Por todas estas razones, esta tecnología de punta creada por Danpal® es ideal para ser utilizada en lucernarios de grandes extensiones o que se encuentren en lugares geográficos con climas adversos.
Otra razón por la cual los paneles de policarbonato Danpalon®  son una buena opción para los lucernarios radica en que la estructura microcelular posibilita una difusión uniforme de la luz natural. La entrada de rayos solares de manera homogénea produce confort, relajación y una sensación general de bienestar entre los usuarios del edificio. Los paneles microcelulares Danpalon® están disponibles en una gran variedad de anchos y espesores. Esta versatilidad permite que se adapten a las necesidades específicas que el cliente deba satisfacer.
Danpal®, además de ofrecer productos de alta calidad, que siguen los estándares más exigentes de la industria y son respetuosos del medio ambiente, no se olvida de la estética. Por esta razón, los lucernarios creados a partir de paneles microcelulares Danpalon® pueden ser de diferentes colores. Si se desea crear lucernarios con colores brillantes que tengan apariencia metálica y lacada, los indicados para este objetivo son los paneles opacos, que se encuentran disponibles en una extensa gama de tonos.
Por otra parte, para lograr lucernarios altamente sustentables, Danpal® también ofrece el sistema Controlite® para cubiertas. Gracias a Controlite®, se puede ampliar la superficie de los lucernarios hasta abarcar la cubierta completa. Controlite® es un sistema inteligente de iluminación natural que está formado por paneles translúcidos con persianas giratorias integradas, las cuales ajustan su posición a lo largo del día para proyectar una cantidad óptima de luz. Esto permite que en invierno se maximice la luz natural, mientras que en verano se bloquee el calor excesivo generado por el sol.

Todos los productos creados por Danpal® se desarrollan en un software de simulación. Los ingenieros y arquitectos pueden supervisar el calor interno y los niveles de luz durante el diseño preliminar, para así poner a prueba la capacidad de difusión de la luz y de aislamiento en las diferentes soluciones provistas por la empresa.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Curtain Wall Systems Reinforce Energy Efficiency

So, how’s the weather?  That ordinary, everyday question takes on a much more important meaning when we’re thinking about buildings. Architects who are designing structures have to know, in advance, what the weather is going to be far into the future. That’s because they’re designing structures for the long term. They have to come up with a plan to shield buildings from what is going to happen when the structure is no longer brand new. Will it be able to endure the day-after-day beating that the sun inflicts in a hot climate?  What about the regions where rain is a powerful and potent force? The winter season brings with it a variety of potential problems including snow and damaging winds. Hail is also a threat. As powerful as weather is, Danpal has developed curtain wall systems that are uniquely designed to protect a building against all the perils that weather threatens.
How Danpal’s Curtain Wall Systems Protect Buildings
Curtain wall systems keep weather out. The process by which this is accomplished is very effective. The curtain wall system has a double-click locking seam that reinforces its security, and that in turn prevents moisture from getting inside.  The key to the strength of the curtain wall system is Danpal’s microcell technology, which provides high-impact resistant to fortify a building’s protective defenses.
Quality Counts With Danpal Curtain Wall Systems
A building that’s constructed with the proper materials can expect to last a long time. Sometimes people are tempted to cut corners, purchase inferior materials, and hope that everything will work out. It won’t. Once moisture has managed to work its way into the interior of a building, it opens up a series of problems that begins with leaks and loss of heat. Then the problems escalate into structural stress and even the possibility of the collapse of the building. That’s why architects who are looking into the future know that they must purchase materials of the highest quality in order for the buildings they’re designing to provide the very best return on the investment.

Support Energy Efficiency With Danpal Curtin Wall Systems
Occupants of a building don’t want to have to think about what goes into maintaining a consistent and comfortable internal temperature. They just want to be sure that when the weather outside is cold, wet, and miserable, they’re warm and cozy inside. And when the temperature is hot and humid outside, they want to feel cool and refreshed inside. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? It is simple, as long as everything is working the way it’s supposed to.  The curtain wall system is part of the energy control process to make sure that the temperature remains consistent. Energy belongs inside, not outside, and as long as the curtain wall system is in place to protect the insulation, that’s where your energy will be. Your comfort is important, and so is the safety of the planet. You can enjoy the comfort inside, knowing that you’re doing your part to maintain the wellbeing of the environment.
curtain wall systems

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Before architects ever begin to design a building, they should first check the weather forecast.  Buildings are very unique in the weather that they face and an architect has to consider those variables as part of the design process.  How a building’s design enables it to be protected against weather will play a major role in its ability to withstand the damage that weather can cause.  Climates vary across the globe and so do the buildings that are located in different regions. For an architect, adding that additional form of protection to maintain the integrity of the structure is very important.  Day after day, year after year, weather is constantly on the offense with the seasons. A building is either designed to withstand the rainy downpours, heavy snowfall, damaging hail and winds and powerful sunshine or it is going to suffer.  Rainscreen cladding is the best way to protect a building from the damage that moisture can cause.
Rain may be the worst threat to a building. If there is a leak in the structure and moisture penetrates into the interior, possible results may include high levels of permeability, mold, corrosion and even, potential collapse of the building.  While these all have a direct effect upon the building itself, mold can also cause health problems for the occupants of a building, particularly on young children, the elderly, or anyone who suffers from allergies or asthma or other respiratory ailments. Danpal’s rainscreen cladding improves your insulation’s efficiency because it’s able to work the way it’s supposed to. Maintaining a consistent internal temperature reduces the strain on your heating and cooling systems. The Ventilated Rainscreen System, with its double-notched panels, maintains energy efficiency because your insulation is working the way it’s designed to work and not allowing energy to escape. Energy that escapes will cause you money because when that happens, you’re paying for energy that you didn’t use.
While all of this protection is going on inside, rainscreen cladding is also working on the building’s exterior to give the structure an attractive appearance. Danpal offers a rainbow of color options to give your building a more visually striking appearance. Whether your aim is to better integrate your building into its setting or set it apart artistically, you’ll find that the different colors offered with rainscreen cladding are going to get your building noticed.

Danpal’s rainscreen cladding improves the life, the look, and the longevity of a building. As simple as it may sound, protecting insulation is key to protecting your building from the damaging and often destructive effects of weather and moisture.  But here’s a sustainability tip that might surprise you. Let’s say that, over the course of time, the decision is made to demolish the building and tear it down. If that happens, the rainscreen cladding doesn’t have to be demolished. It can be re-used. That gives your rainscreen cladding an even more effective role in recycling.
rainscreen cladding