Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Your Building’s Weather Attire is a Curtain Wall System

What You Need to Know About Curtain Wall Systems
It’s easier to understand the role that curtain wall systems play in the function of a building if you consider your umbrella. Its role is to keep rain from falling on you. You wear a hat and sunglasses in the sunshine, and a scarf and hood in the winter. Notice how many different choices you need to make in order to be protected from weather. It’s easier for buildings. Don’t you wish that you had a curtain wall system like buildings do? Curtain wall systems do an impressive job of protecting a building from the consequences of weather, and they manage to look pretty good while they’re doing it. (Probably much better looking than your umbrella!)
What’s the Role Of A Curtain Wall System?
To put it simply, a curtain wall system is placed over the exterior of a building to give an extra level of protection against weather. Every season in the calendar has some weather that presents a challenge to a building’s physical construction. Weather is a part of daily life no matter where you live, but consider how much a building has to deal with. Rain might be a drizzle or it might be torrential. Snow might flurry in the air and never land on a surface, or it might dump two feet of snow on the roof. Wind, hail and even sunshine are also factors. Danpal wall systems use microcell technology precisely because weather is so relentless. Microcell technology provides high-impact resistance to protect your building from weather’s rage. The curtain wall system’s double click locking seam bolsters the security of the structure. That protection against weather will make the difference in the comfort of your building and the life span of your insulation.
Curtain Wall Systems Benefit From Lightweight Material
A Danpal curtain wall system incorporates flexibility into its design so that it’s easy to transport, install, and work with. The process of installing a Danpal curtain wall system is so swift and effortless that you’ll be amazed at how quickly everything is in place.

How Will the Curtain Wall System Look?
In a word, great! For one thing, the joints are concealed and the exterior remains flush in order to conform to the design. For another, customization makes the difference in customer satisfaction. Danpal’s range of color options, finishes and special effects provides customers with choices that reflect their personal preferences instead of making a selection based on limited options. Adhering to the existing codes doesn’t have to mean that you’re forced to accept second rate designs and with Danpal’s curtain wall systems, you’ll be dazzled with choices. If it’s color that you’re seeking, we have an impressive number of colors to choose from. You’ll be pleased with a building that reflects your own taste and perhaps even your personality. Which is better for you? Dramatic color choices that grab attention, or tranquil hues that blend in with the surroundings? Whatever you decide, Danpal can deliver.
curtain wall systems

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