Thursday, September 6, 2018


Doesn’t it seem as though, every time we turn on the news, we’re hearing about a new threat from the weather? If it’s not violent storms that subject an area to torrential downpours, it’s a terrible snowfall that has the power to paralyze a region.  Sometimes it feels as though we’re entirely powerless against the fury of weather. Fortunately, Danpal has designed and manufactured products that can stand up to weather at its wildest. Our status as a leader in the building industry is a result of the emphasis that we place upon innovation, research, and development in creating materials that are stronger than weather. Polycarbonate sheets are one of those remarkable products that can reinforce a building with the stamina it needs to withstand the elements.

The Danpal Ventilated Rain System (VRS), which uses polycarbonate sheets, is one of the most effective ways to keep insulation dry so that moisture doesn’t weaken the building’s ability to use energy efficiently. VRS is designed with an air gap that provides natural ventilation. Insulation stays dry, the building stays moisture-free, and polycarbonate sheets defend the structure against weather.

Keeping insulation dry is one of the most important ways to protect a building. Damp moisture can lead to problems that begin with leaks and a loss of energy and can turn  into structural stress and, ultimately, the possibility of building collapse. The damage isn’t merely confined to the building. Damp insulation creates an atmosphere in which mold thrives and once mold has found a home, it doesn’t want to leave. It leads to health problems for the occupants of a building, and if there’s someone who has asthma or allergies, they’ll feel the effects of mold very quickly.  Damp insulation also leads to financial issues because you’re paying for energy that you aren’t using. It’s escaping outside and that’s bad for the environment. Dry insulation is the formula for a healthy building and healthy people.

Polycarbonate always delivers when it comes to strength and flexibility, but it also offers you a choice. Multiwall polycarbonate is a structured sheet with hollow air chambers. Solid polycarbonate, which is a clear, flat sheeting, resembles glass in appearance. Polycarbonate sheets are actually half as heavy as glass, but 200 times stronger. So if you want to use a product that looks like glass but doesn’t have its weaknesses, solid polycarbonate sheets are the choice for you.

Danpal’s years of expertise in research of development have put the company in the forefront of innovation. That’s how a product like polycarbonate came into existence. Imagine a product that’s virtually unbreakable, and yet so flexible that it bends.  The larger the size of the polycarbonate sheet, the greater the radius of the bend. Polycarbonate is used to make windshields, security screens, moving machinery parts, and farm machinery. A larger polycarbonate sheet is ideal if you have an arching roof.  Polycarbonate sheets are lightweight and easy to install, so you can understand why they’re the popular choice for architects.
polycarbonate sheets

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Skylight Roofing Lets Us Live In The Light!

Wouldn’t you like to have a little more daylight in your life? Have you ever sat in a meeting and found your attention wandering as you gazed out the window and wished that you could enjoy more of the sunlight? Does your life feel as if the day is taken up with too many ceilings and floors and doors, and not enough natural light? What you’re feeling is actually natural, pun intended. As human beings, we crave the light. Natural light is the magic ingredient in the formula of life. It can lift our spirits when we’re feeling down. It can make us more productive when we can’t seem to break out of a dull routine. And it also helps us to see better! Grateful as we are for artificial light, it doesn’t compare to the original light of the sun.
Try Skylight Roofing For More Daylight In Your Life
Now that we’ve settled on the fact that we’d like more sky, less roof in our lives, what do we do about it? Tents and treehouses have their place in our outdoor options, but they really wouldn’t work for a permanent lifestyle. Well, what about skylight roofing? Buildings have to have roofs, and people have to have light.  Why not choose the option that allows you to have what you must include without sacrificing what you really want?
Skylight Roofing Is Strong Enough To Handle Weather
Skylight roofing is a much better option than living out of doors, so before you starting  moving the dining room furniture out to the lawn, stop for a minute and think about it. The reason humans don’t live outside is because that’s where the weather is. When we’re inside, we’re comfortable and safe. Outside—well, that’s where the rain falls and the snow flies; it’s where the winds blow, the hail hits, and the sun burns. You don’t really want to have to deal with all that, do you? Of course not. With skylight roofing, you won’t have to. Danpal’s  skylight roofing, thanks to microcell technology, is completely, 100% watertight and won’t allow moisture from rain and snow to enter. It’s also able to withstand the intensity of the sunlight because it has UV protection. Light inside, weather outside; that’s what you have to look forward to with skylight roofing.

More About Skylight Roofing and Natural Light
Danpal has been a leader in the building materials industry for over 50 years. During that time, we’ve also pioneered daylighting architecture, a wonderful innovation that brings natural light inside, in exactly the amounts that you want. People who have access to natural light in the workplace find that they’re more productive. Those whose homes are blessed with natural light have discovered that their mood improves and the atmosphere is a much more pleasant one. Since we already know how much natural light benefits us, and we realize that all of our buildings have to have roofs, doesn’t it make sense to choice skylight roofing?

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Plastic Roofing: The Danpal Commitment to Excellence and Energy Efficiency

Is there any other material that’s as durable and versatile as plastic? Consider the many uses that we have for plastic and you’re bound to agree that it affects just about every aspect of our lives. We store food in plastic, we drive vehicles with plastic components, and yes, we even use plastic for roofing. But Danpal plastic roofing is a much more advanced product than the containers that you use for the leftovers that you put in your refrigerator. It’s the end result of a professional dedication to research and development that allows Danpal to keep re-inventing itself and adding luster to our brand because the quality of our products is always superior to that of our competitors. Plastic roofing by Danpal is strong enough to protect a building from the damage that weather can cause, and sophisticated enough to support a building’s overall energy efficiency profile.
Plastic Roofing has the Microcell Advantage
Danpal’s microcell technology is a powerful building material that gives  plastic roofing enough strength and resilience to resist weather. You’ve probably witnessed the fury of weather. Many parts of the world experience torrential rains that cause flooding. In winter, blizzards can bring a city to its knees as it struggles to cope with the heavy snowfall. Hail strikes without warning, punishing buildings and cars with pellets of ice that hit like missiles.  But microcell technology is designed to withstand weather in all its manifestations. Plastic roofing, with microcell technology and the strength of the woven plastic, doesn’t let the hail do any damage. The hail hits the plastic roofing and then bounces off without causing harm. Another weather battle won by Danpal. But at Danpal, we know that a building can’t take it easy when the sun is shining. That’s because sunlight, much as we welcome it, can also punish a building with its direct rays and intense heat. Our plastic roofing comes with a special coating to keep UV rays from damaging the surfaces of the building. No matter the season, no matter the weather, we’ve got your building covered with Danpal protection.
Plastic Roofing is Energy Efficient
Microcell technology explains how plastic roofing keeps the outside elements from penetrating a building’s interior, but what’s going on inside the structure? Is the insulation staying dry? Roofing materials provide thermal insulation that adds a layer of protection to reduce the transfer of heat. Thanks to microcell technology, the heat stays inside so that the building’s occupants enjoy a consistent temperature year round.
Maybe at Danpal, we try our best to develop building materials that provide superior energy efficiency because we know that in the world’s most advanced countries, it’s the buildings that account for 40% of their nations’ primary energy usage. It’s no secret that in countries where technology has transformed every aspect of our existence, we require a lot of energy.  Danpal believes that if our buildings are going to use so much energy, it’s important that they use it responsibly.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Canchas de tenis protegidas por la lámina de policarbonato Danpalon®

El Centro Deportivo Jules Ladoumegue, ubicado en París, Francia, cuenta con campos para jugar al fútbol y al rugby, un centro de mantenimiento y un edificio con seis canchas de tenis cubiertas. El área dedicada al tenis fue diseñada por arquitectos del estudio Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes, quienes recurrieron a la lámina de policarbonato de Danpal® para concretar el proyecto.
El edificio tiene 260 metros de largo. Su gran tamaño permite proteger al vecindario de los ruidos molestos ocasionados por el tráfico constante. La fachada oeste del edificio debía lograr dos objetivos fundamentales: neutralizar los fuertes ruidos provenientes del exterior y proteger a los usuarios del edificio del impacto de la luz solar. Para lograr estos objetivos, los arquitectos implementaron el sistema Controlite® en el exterior del edificio y la lámina de policarbonato Danpalon®, en este caso de 30 mm de grosor, en el interior del mismo. Como resultado, se creó un edificio eficiente energéticamente y capaz de ofrecer un alto nivel de confort a los usuarios.       
Las dos paredes interiores del edificio cuentan con la presencia de la lámina de policarbonato Danpalon®. Este material innovador ofrece aislamiento térmico para que no ingresen ni el frío ni el calor al interior de las canchas, además de aislamiento acústico que absorbe el sonido del exterior y no permite que contamine el interior del edificio. Además, la lámina de policarbonato Danpalon® cuenta con resistencia superior al impacto, ya sea a los golpes de las pelotas de tenis como también a las cargas del viento y de la nieve.   
La pared de la derecha de la construcción posee tecnología Controlite®. Controlite® es un sistema inteligente de iluminación natural que se puede instalar fácilmente en una fachada. Cada lámina de policarbonato translúcida que forma parte del sistema cuenta con persianas giratorias integradas. Las persianas se mueven durante el día, según el paso del sol, para optimizar los niveles de transmisión de luz natural. Controlite® permite regular la entrada de la luz solar a través de la fachada todos los días del año.
Durante el invierno, cada lámina de policarbonato presente en el sistema Controlite® es capaz de potenciar la calidez de la luz solar para que los jugadores de tenis no sientan frío. En verano, en cambio, cada lámina de policarbonato bloquea el calor agobiante para mantener una temperatura confortable en las seis canchas. La tecnología superior de la lámina de policarbonato Danpalon® permite que este sistema transforme una fachada en una pared de luz dinámica.  
La lámina de policarbonato Danpalon® se comercializa en una extensa variedad de espesores, anchos y colores. Para crear proyectos de colores brillantes y con apariencia metálica, los arquitectos pueden elegir una lámina de policarbonato opaca, disponible en tonos que abarcan una amplia paleta. Así como la lámina de policarbonato creada por Danpal® fue la solución adecuada a las problemáticas que necesitaba resolver el Centro Deportivo Jules Ladoumegue, este producto también ofrece potencialidades estéticas. La apariencia de un edificio donde se implementa Danpalon® cambia a partir los reflejos que se proyectan en una fachada a diferentes horas del día, lo cual le otorga una vida renovada al edificio.
lamina de policarbonato

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Cubiertas innovadoras gracias al sistema Danpal® Compacto

Vidanta es el nombre de una cadena de hoteles resort que se encuentra presente en varias ciudades de México. En la localidad de Nuevo Vallarta, en la región de Nayarit, el hotel cuenta con un espacio exclusivo llamado Santuario. Santuario es un punto de disfrute tanto de día como de noche.
Santuario abre sus puertas temprano por la mañana. A partir de ese momento, los huéspedes del hotel pueden iniciar su día con un café fuerte, jugos de fruta y deliciosos postres. Para disfrutar de este desayuno, pueden resguardarse del sol bajo una estructura construida a partir del sistema de cubiertas Danpal® Compacto.  

Danpal® Compacto cuenta con un panel sólido de cuatro milímetros de espesor. Este panel posee una apariencia similar a la del vidrio y, al mismo tiempo, ofrece las características más destacadas de la lámina de policarbonato. Las cubiertas desarrolladas gracias a Danpal® Compacto son aislantes, flexibles, fáciles de curvar, ligeras y cuentan con protección contra los rayos ultravioleta.  
Danpal®, empresa pionera en sistemas de arquitectura de la luz, fue la primera compañía del mundo que desarrolló láminas de policarbonato que poseen tecnología standing seam. Esta tecnología es la razón por la cual las cubiertas ofrecen estanqueidad total ante el agua y el aire.
Emplear el sistema de conexión standig seam significa eliminar las problemáticas que se manifiestan en los fallos de uniones de materiales de sellado o adhesivos presentes en los sistemas tradicionales. Esto se debe a que la tecnología standing seam es un ensamblaje que no recurre al uso de masillas o adhesivos. Los paneles del sistema Danpal® Compacto pueden alcanzar hasta los 12 metros de largo y se comercializan en paneles rectos, curvados en frío o termoformados para crear curvas cerradas.
Danpal® Compacto cuenta con tres partes diferenciadas, que al unirse contribuyen a crear un sistema óptimo. Por un lado, se encuentra el panel transparente principal de cuatro milímetros de espesor y 592 milímetros de ancho, el cual está extruido con pestañas de doble clipado en ambos lados. Por el otro, el conector de encaje a presión, que puede ser de aluminio o de policarbonato transparente, es el encargado de ensamblar los paneles entre sí. En último lugar, se encuentra el perfil espaciador de policarbonato transparente, que posee un módulo instalado de 600 milímetros de ancho. Cada componente tiene la libertad de expandirse térmicamente o de contraerse a su propio ritmo sin que se deterioren las propiedades estructurales del material, lo cual hace que este sistema sea el indicado para crear cubiertas duraderas.

Desarrollar cubiertas perfectas para aprovechar los beneficios de la luz solar implica que es importante alcanzar el equilibrio. La luz que puede ingresar  al interior de un edificio a través de las cubiertas puede ser excesiva y generar brillos molestos, además de un aumento de la temperatura que resulta agobiante. Los materiales utilizados por Danpal® en sus cubiertas innovadoras permiten el ingreso de luz natural de manera homogénea. Además, las cubiertas desarrolladas por la empresa brindan aislamiento térmico para impedir el ingreso del frío o del calor exterior.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Rainscreen Cladding: The Place Where Weather Forecasting And Architecture Meet

Danpal has put its 50 years of experience to good use. As an international company with a business presence on five continents, we’ve learned as we’ve grown. We’ve seen a lot of weather and we’ve learned a lot about building materials and how they are affected by the climate. It’s no surprise that, as long as we have weather, we will need building materials that are designed to address the climate patterns where we live. You might not expect your architect and your weather forecaster to have a lot in common, but weather is central to both professions.

For the forecaster, it’s a matter of knowing what the meteorological indications mean so that viewers, depending on where they live, will know whether they can plan a picnic over the weekend or make sure they have all that they need from the store before the snow starts to fall. The architect also needs to know the forecast—all of the forecasts for the foreseeable future. Since this isn’t possible, an architect must find out what kind of weather the building will have to deal with, and once that is determined, the next step is to figure out what building materials are best suited to handling the weather in the region.  For climates where moisture is an issue, Danpal’s rainscreen cladding is the answer to your building’s weather questions.

What You Need To Know About Moisture
Moisture in a building isn’t just a matter of a little bit of dampness that can be ignored. Moisture can cause significant damage to a building; obviously, there’s the immediate problem of leaking. There’s the structural stress that moisture causes. In a worst-case scenario, there’s the danger of building collapse.  Whether your building is the home or the workplace, you don’t want moisture invading, because when moisture arrives, it takes over. Your insulation, if it isn’t dry, isn’t going to work the way it’s supposed to. With rainscreen cladding, you’re equipping your building with the protection that it needs in order to keep the insulation dry.

The Way that Danpal Rainscreen Cladding Works
If you want to keep your building protected against moisture, you should check into rainscreen cladding by Danpal. The insulation stays dry because the ventilated cavity of the rainscreen cladding delivers an improved air flow. Moisture is unable to penetrate because of the rainscreen cladding’s inner sheet. With dry insulation, your building is weather-free on the inside.

Rainscreen Cladding Supports Energy Efficiency
Keeping insulation dry so that moisture can’t invade is one important role played by rainscreen cladding. Another reason to install rainscreen cladding is because it helps a building maintain its energy efficiency. That dry insulation that is keeping your building moisture free is also making sure that your energy is being used efficiently and not wasted. Maintaining a consistent temperature inside your building throughout the year so that you’re comfortable within is one sure way of confirming that you aren’t wasting energy. Smart energy usage is one of the ways in which Danpal and our customers make sure that taking care of the planet remains a priority.
rainscreen clading

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Danpal’s Façade Materials: Danpal Strength, Danpal Design

If buildings were taking part in a competition against weather, how would your building fare? Imagine a wrestling contest between two opponents: weather comes to the competition armed with a varied arsenal of weapons including hail, rain, snow, wind and intense sunshine. Pretty formidable, don’t you agree? What does a building bring to the heavyweight ring? Just what it’s been built with. Buildings must have everything they need to compete against weather from the moment the architect begins the design. Otherwise, the building is going to lose the contest and weather wins. So how can you make sure that your building has what it takes to do battle against weather? Danpal façade materials are designed for strength, so that weather doesn’t win.
Danpal Quality Equals Better Performance
After 50 years in the building industry, Danpal has perfected customer service. How do we do it? By making sure that, from design to manufacturing to installation, our building materials deliver the utmost in quality. We have engineers and designers whose research and development insights are the foundation for our reputation for excellence. We build for the building AND for the occupant. That means that we’re always aware of the latest technology and how it will improve the performance of our façade materials so that they maintain cutting/-edge superiority in weather resistance, energy efficiency, and esthetics. In the end, the client is the winner because their needs for the building’s function are met, their dreams for the building’s performance are realized, and they’re confident that buying the best product delivers long-term savings.
Light In Weight, But A Heavyweight For Strength
Danpal has been in the forefront of developing building materials that take full advantage of the very latest research. That’s why our facade materials reflect the current technology. They’re light in weight, so they’re easy to install. But this is a time when being a lightweight is a good thing because it makes the work easier and quicker.  At the same time, our façade materials sacrifice nothing when it comes to keeping weather from creating problems inside the building.
Façade Materials and Energy Efficiency Make a Winning Team
Insulation is key to the health and wellbeing of your building. As long as it’s dry, your building benefits. But if moisture invades and insulation is no longer dry, problems begin. The building is compromised, leading to potential problems that, over time, can actually cause the structure to collapse. If insulation is wet, energy is escaping, which is costing you money because you’re paying for heating and cooling that you aren’t using. And you know what it means when energy is wasted; that’s a problem for the planet as well as for you.  The microcell technology in Danpal façade materials has superior thermal insulation to prevent energy from escaping. Once again, Danpal façade materials deliver a knock-out punch to weather.

Danpal Façade Materials Enhance Your Building’s Appearance
You know what makes our façade materials so remarkable? Even after they’ve delivered a stand-out performance in the latest weather competition, they still look beautiful. A strong performance doesn’t mean sacrificing esthetics and we’re committed to delivering the best in what we do, and what you see.
facade materials

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Curtain Wall Systems For A Healthy Building

There’s something that most of us do almost every day without even thinking about it. Maybe we do it early in the morning when we first wake up, or maybe we do it at night, before we go to bed. We watch the weather forecast on the morning news when we get up, or we listen to it at night before we go to bed. We plan our wardrobe and often, our activities around what the forecasters tell us. News of a winter snowfall can send us to the grocery store for food to ride out the storm; a forecast of rain or sunshine decides whether or not we’re going to work in the garden or take in a baseball game. The bygone days of watching the clouds for signs of a storm have been replaced by instant weather news. We want to know what kind of weather we’re going to encounter before we start our day.
Curtain Wall Systems Are Designed For Weather Protection
Before an architect begins designing a building, he or she has to be aware of what kind of weather will take place on a daily basis.  As there is no forecasting that can be done that far into the future, an architect must predict what kind of weather the building is going to have to withstand throughout the years. At the center of that long-term forecasting is the health of the insulation. Insulation that has been compromised by moisture leads to loss of energy and building deterioration. What’s the best way to prevent this from happening? A curtain wall system from Danpal is your building’s weather defense system.
Keeping A Building Healthy With A Curtain Wall System
Microcell technology is central to the curtain wall system’s function. Microcell technology reinforces the security of the curtain wall system with its double-click locking seam. The curtain wall system’s high-impact resistance keeps weather out. This process is what keeps a building healthy  because if moisture invades the interior of your building, not only are you at risk for higher utility payments caused by wasted energy, you’re also facing the possibility of health problems caused by mold. Moisture is the perfect environment for the build-up of mold and after that begins, people within who suffer from allergies or respiratory ailments will be dealing with health problems. The ability of a Danpal curtain wall system to prevent moisture from getting inside is what’s needed to keep your building healthy.

Energy Efficiency With Curtain Wall Systems
Outside the walls of your home or workplace, the weather can do whatever it wants to. But inside, people expect to be comfortable. The temperature within should remain consistent. However, if you’ve noticed that you’re constantly readjusting the temperature and your heating and cooling bills are on the rise, you know that energy is escaping.  That means that you’re spending more money to heat and cool your building, and the environment is absorbing the burden of wasted energy. No one wins in this scenario, which is why a Danpal curtain wall system is the smart choice for energy efficiency.
curtain wall systems

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Roofing Systems Are At The Forefront of Danpal Innovation

Roofing systems have changed quite a bit during the fifty years that Danpal has been a leader in the building industry. Federal regulations that reflect our society’s environmental concerns have prodded the industry to develop materials that support sustainability. VOC regulations have made a difference in the kinds of coating, sealants, and adhesives that can be purchased. At Danpal, we’re proud that our own innovations in design and engineering have been part of this technological advance to create roofing systems that are both supportive of the environment and superior in offering weather protection. Consumers want to live in homes that match the importance they place upon sustainability. Danpal, a company that adheres to the motto of Global Vision, Local Focus, is pleased to be supportive of our clients’ environmental concerns as we develop products that make the planet a priority.
When you choose a Danpal roofing system, you’re getting a half century of expertise in the development of cutting-edge building materials. You’re also getting the benefit of what we’ve learned as a building company which is based on five continents. We know a lot about the weather that a roofing system must withstand because we’ve encountered so many different climates. What we know, we can pass on to our research and development teams, who then act upon the information to develop better products. A roofing system from Danpal is designed so that it keeps weather outside and comfort inside.
The Role Of Roofing Materials
The role of roofing materials is to provide thermal insulation; this protective layer reduces the occurrence of heat transfer, allowing thermal radiation to be reflected. Our multilayered microcell technology delivers better heat insulation than a single layer would, with the added advantage of increasing the strength of the system.
Roofing Systems And Energy Efficiency
Thermal insulation gives a building more energy efficiency. Buildings consume a tremendous amount of energy—as much as 40% of the entire energy consumption in advanced nations—so it’s important to do everything possible to make certain that energy is used wisely. That’s why thermal insulation is so significant. When the temperatures inside the building remain consistent, you know that your heating and cooling systems are operating efficiently and energy isn’t going to waste by escaping.
As the “R” values of roof insulation have almost tripled as a result of new advances in building materials, energy efficiency has been increasing. This increase in energy efficiency and the accompanying decrease in the size of a building’s carbon footprint are yielding benefits for consumers who profit by only paying for energy that they’re really using.
How A Roofing System Delivers Weather Protection
Danpal has tested its panels to confirm that the roofing system is equipped to deal with weather extremes. That’s because the special coating on the panels, which diffuses sunlight, prevents harmful UV rays from damaging the structure. The material is woven so strongly that hail can’t damage it; instead, hail bounces off the surface.

Danpal roofing is designed for the benefit of the occupants within. You’ll be satisfied when you consider the advantages of our roofing system.
Roofing systems

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Cubiertas arquitectónicas para las industrias actuales

Recibir luz natural, sobre todo a la mañana, repercute positivamente en la salud. Estudios científicos demostraron que los trabajadores que desarrollan sus tareas en ambientes donde la luz solar abunda duermen mejor de noche y presentan niveles más bajos de depresión y estrés que quienes no trabajan con buenos niveles de iluminación. Una de las soluciones para optimizar el ingreso de la luz solar al interior de un edificio radica en la instalación de cubiertas arquitectónicas.
La solución de acristalamiento modular para cubiertas arquitectónicas ofrecida por Danpal® lleva el aprovechamiento de la luz natural a un nivel superior. Las láminas de policarbonato celular que conforman el sistema, comercializados con el nombre de Danpalon®, cuentan con tecnología Microcell. Esta tecnología revolucionaria es la encargada de proveer translucidez y resistencia a las láminas de policarbonato, y por lo tanto, a las cubiertas arquitectónicas en las que se emplean.
Danpal® ofrece otro producto para el desarrollo de cubiertas arquitectónicos que se adapta específicamente a las necesidades del mercado laboral actual. Este producto es Danpalon® Industrial, el componente ideal para proporcionar luz natural a las estructuras industriales. Las franjas de panel de estas cubiertas arquitectónicas industriales transmiten luz natural durante todo el día hacia los empleados de las fábricas, lo cual aumenta la productividad y el bienestar en el ambiente de trabajo. Los paneles son fáciles de conectar con las aberturas de luz industriales existentes, característica que señala la gran versatilidad del producto en la implementación de cubiertas arquitectónicas.  
Las cubiertas arquitectónicas creadas con Danpalon® Industrial cuentan con todas las ventajas de este material innovador. Danpalon® Industrial es 100 % estanco, razón por la cual ofrece una impermeabilidad superior al aire y al agua. Solo la luz y la calidez del sol ingresarán a través de las cubiertas arquitectónicas, nada más. Por otro lado, ofrece alta resistencia al impacto. Esto significa que las inclemencias del tiempo, como por ejemplo, la caída de granizo, no deformarán ni arruinarán las cubiertas arquitectónicas. Danpalon® Industrial es ligero, y su instalación es rápida, fácil y de bajo costo.  
Danpalon® Industrial posee, además, propiedades de aislamiento térmico superior. La implementación de cubiertas arquitectónicas que cuenten con este material implica ahorros considerables en cuanto a los gastos producidos por el uso de equipos de aire acondicionado, de calefacción y de iluminación artificial. El uso de Danpalon®  Industrial es una inversión sólida y comprometida en la vía a construir espacios de trabajo más sustentables y respetuosos del medio ambiente, espacios que sean capaces de asegurar un futuro mejor para las generaciones venideras.

Una gran cantidad de estudios científicos comprobaron el vínculo indudable entre el acceso a iluminación natural y el aumento de la calidad de vida. Por esta razón, los profesionales que trabajan en arquitectura de la luz están dedicados a implementar nuevas soluciones de iluminación que puedan optimizar los beneficios para la salud de los habitantes de cada edificio. Danpal® provee los productos necesarios para crear espacios luminosos, cálidos y confortables, siempre teniendo en cuenta la sustentabilidad del medio ambiente.  
cubiertas arquitectonicas

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Lámina de policarbonato revolucionaria en las fachadas ventiladas

El policarbonato se descubrió casi por casualidad y fue explotado comercialmente mucho tiempo después de su desarrollo industrial. Los años siguientes al lanzamiento de este material no fueron brillantes. A la industria le costaba asimilar y pronosticar las ventajas económicas de utilizar este nuevo componente. El hecho de que el policarbonato fuese transparente y de que contara con excelentes propiedades de resistencia térmica y mecánica no era considerado interesante. Por fortuna, las actitudes de rechazo cambiaron una vez que el público entendió que la versatilidad el policarbonato lo constituyen en el material ideal para soluciones funcionales.
Hoy en día, el policarbonato es el protagonista indiscutido en creaciones de arquitectura de la luz que son aislantes, resistentes, translúcidas y agradables estéticamente. La empresa Danpal® y su lámina de policarbonato Danpalon® están a la vanguardia del desarrollo de productos que satisfacen las necesidades estructurales y de diseño de los arquitectos. Entre estos productos se encuentra su sistema de fachadas ventiladas.   
La implementación de un sistema de fachadas ventiladas confeccionado con láminas de policarbonato Danpalon® brinda muchas ventajas por sobre el uso de materiales tradicionales. Una de estas ventajas radica en la velocidad en la que se pueden instalar las fachadas ventiladas. Al ser un sistema ligero, el montaje se realiza rápidamente. En muchos casos, los edificios en los que se instalarán las fachadas ventiladas continúan en uso durante el montaje del sistema, por lo cual un tiempo de instalación mínimo es deseable para no modificar la rutina de los usuarios.
Las fachadas ventiladas Danpal® VRS, al poseer tecnología Danpalon®, cuentan entre sus componentes con un material respetuoso del medio ambiente, estanco, durable, resistente al granizo, capaz de difundir la luz natural de manera uniforme y con una amplia gama de opciones creativas en cuanto a color. Las fachadas ventiladas Danpal® VRS poseen un sistema de doble pestaña, único en el mercado, que asegura una perfecta impermeabilidad. Únicamente la luz natural entrará al interior del edificio, pero no el agua o el viento.
El sistema de fachadas ventiladas Danpal® VRS dispone de conectores que tienen la capacidad de fijarse a cualquier edificio existente, característica que señala una gran compatibilidad con diversos tipos de estructuras. La versatilidad de este sistema de fachadas ventiladas también se manifiesta en la gran cantidad de colores que se pueden elegir: opacos, perlados, metálicos y con efecto mate. Los colores con efecto mate poseen tecnología Softlite, un acabado que está coextruido en las láminas de policarbonato Danpalon® de cualquier espesor. Al aplicarse en las fachadas ventiladas, el acabado Softlite reduce el deslumbramiento y aumenta la difusión uniforme de la luz.
Los beneficios de la lámina de policarbonato ya están completamente instalados en el mercado actual. Y si del futuro de este material se trata es probable que Danpal® vuelva a revolucionar la industria. La empresa financia un programa de investigación y desarrollo continuo para mejorar la calidad de los productos existentes, como el sistema de fachadas ventiladas, y también para ofrecer más posibilidades a los clientes, por lo cual podemos estar seguros de que las ventajas de las láminas de policarbonato mejorarán exponencialmente.
fachadas ventiladas