Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Rainscreen Cladding Won’t Let Weather In

Dress for the weather. Isn’t that what your mother always told you? Danpal is telling your building the same thing. There’s a significant different, however, in your dress-for-weather wardrobe and that of your building. There are ways to protect a building from the rigors of rough weather but it has to be done from the very beginning. Buildings, as we know, don’t have wardrobes. Rainscreen cladding is a proven way to keep the inside of your building safe and dry from the threat of leaks and moisture that can do so much damage.  Cladding is designed to serve as the protective layer that shields the interior walls from damaging moisture. By choosing rainscreen cladding, you’re making the smart choice for the long-term life of your building. You’re also choosing to help the environment, because rainscreen cladding, by protecting your interior building, is also promoting energy efficiency.
Long-Lasting Protection With Rainscreen Cladding
Long-term protection is exactly the level of efficiency that rainscreen cladding offers. It’s designed to last and it’s also designed to need almost no maintenance or service after it’s been installed. All you have to do is wash it down with water and it’ll look brand new again.
The double-notched wall panels of the Danpal Ventilated Rainscreen System are the key mechanism that provide a defense against the weather outside the walls. The system is designed with an air gap that allows for natural ventilation to protect your structure’s insulation from moisture. The connections are fastened directly to the support so there’s no need to use additional supporting structures. It’s efficient, it’s fast, and it works! While the winds howl, the rain pours, and the snow and hail fall, you’re warm and dry inside and so is your building. This design is what gives the rainscreen cladding its ability to provide long-term protection for the building.
Rainscreen Cladding Options
The versatility of rainscreen cladding is one of its most significant attributes. A building must be able to withstand the variations in climate that most regions experience. Rainscreen cladding can do this. You may choose metal cladding, which is available in galvanized steel and aluminum. Or you might select wood, brick, imitation stone or plastic. No matter which one you choose, you’ll benefit from the cost-effectiveness of rainscreen cladding.
Cost-Effective Rainscreen Cladding
Maintaining the comfort of your home and workspace isn’t always easy, and if it’s not done right, it can cost even more money than it should. By protecting the insulation, rainscreen cladding is putting money back into your wallet. That’s because the insulation is working as it should, and the temperatures of your inside space, whether it’s the season for air conditioning or central heating, are consistent and don’t have to be changed. If you’re finding that, with your current system, your space doesn’t seem to stay warm enough or cool enough, it could mean that your existing insulation has already been compromised by moisture and is failing you. Don’t let that continue. Choose rainscreen cladding and relax knowing that your insulation is safe.
rainscreen cladding

Monday, February 19, 2018

Curtain Wall Systems for 24/7 Appearance and Strength

Buildings should be designed to last, not designed to be disposable, and yet sometimes, people choose materials that are made of inferior quality rather than ones that will deliver a long-lasting superior performance. Why invest the effort and creativity that is involved in constructing a building if the goal is not to have it last for a long time? One of the best ways to improve the future of your building is by making the right choice of curtain wall systems, so that weather, the eternal enemy of a building, can be kept under control no matter what the forecast predicts. Danpal respects the power of weather and that’s why we have designed curtain wall systems that last.
Curtain Wall Systems Keep Weather Damage Away
Ever since Danpal research efforts yielded the amazing microcell technology, we’ve been able to offer building materials that are capable of making sure that external elements, however powerful they might be, don’t penetrate the defenses of a building. Our microcell technology has high-impact resistance to the forces of weather, and our double-click locking seam adds a second layer of durable security. While you’re inside the building, listening to the weather play its wild symphony of pounding rain, howling wind and heavy snow, you don’t have to worry about moisture invading the internal barriers established by our curtain wall systems.
Curtain Wall Systems Protect Against Moisture
It’s true that weather is the enemy of a building. But even more important is the fact that moisture from snow and rain, if they are able to penetrate a building’s external defenses, can do such damage that the integrity and safety of the building are eventually compromised. Moisture may not be immediately detected within, but as the leaks go unnoticed, the moisture is able to cause loss of heat, structural stress, and collapse. There is also the physical damage that affects the occupants of the building after moisture has led to the build-up of mold. Mold can harm people with respiratory conditions and allergies. A strong, sturdy, curtain wall system is able to prevent moisture from gaining a foothold inside your building.
Curtain Wall Systems Enhance a Building’s Appearance
Your curtain wall system has a 24/7 job. It’s constantly working to protect your building from the weather outside and the damage it can cause if it would penetrate inside. But a curtain wall system also has an esthetic purpose, which is to make sure that the building looks attractive in its setting. As an architect designs a building, its purpose is always in the forefront of the designing process. But a building is not an abstract concept; it’s very much a part of the community in which it’s located. That allows the architect to decide what kind of building to create. Should it blend in with the other commercial or residential structures nearby, or is it in a place where it will need to stand out in order to be noticed? That’s where Danpal colors, textures, and finishes come into play, given the architect free rein to be as creative as possible.
Curtain Wall Systems

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Lucernarios en centros deportivos, símbolo de salud

Los lucernarios son fuente de salud al procurar iluminación natural en el interior de los edificios grandes y pequeños. Si hay una tipología que confirma esta afirmación sobre los lucernarios, esta es la de los grandes centros deportivos. En ellos, los lucernarios procuran que las personas que desean una vida más sana obtengan los beneficios de la luz natural y eviten los efectos dañinos del síndrome del edificio enfermo.
Los lucernarios que utilizan el policarbonato celular como material de construcción ofrecen ventajas añadidas a estos edificios. Una de ellas es la capacidad de tamizar y filtrar la luz solar, bloqueando los dañinos rayos UV a su paso por los lucernarios de policarbonato. Además, empresas como Danpal® ofrecen paneles para lucernarios de distintos grosores que dejan pasar diferentes cantidades de luz.
Los lucernarios de Danpal colaboran también en el aislamiento del edificio, proporcionando una atmósfera de confort a la vez que se reduce el gasto energético para la climatización.
Cuando se utiliza policarbonato celular para lucernarios, la ligereza del material permite disponer una estructura portante muy reducida para todo el sistema de lucernarios, lo que aumenta las posibilidades de diseño de dicha estructura. Cabe señalar además que la gran resistencia a impacto de los paneles para lucernarios de Danpal®, obtenida gracias a su exclusiva tecnología Microcell®, y evita que los paneles de los lucernarios se quiebren con la frecuencia que lo harían los lucernarios de vidrio, redundando en la durabilidad del conjunto.
Danpal fabrica paneles para lucernarios con distintas longitudes y radios de curvatura, así como diferentes distancias entre puntos de apoyo de los paneles para lucernarios. La tecnología Microcell®, además de proporcionar resistencia a impacto, mejora considerablemente la capacidad de aislamiento de los paneles Danpal® para lucernarios.
Asimismo, es posible dotar a los paneles para lucernarios Danpal® de distintos acabados que mejoran aún más el rendimiento. Un ejemplo claro es el acabado LowE para lucernarios. Este acabado bloquea selectivamente el espectro infrarrojo de los rayos solares que atraviesan los lucernarios, de forma que el ambiente interior bajo los lucernarios no se caliente en exceso debido a la luz solar. De esta forma, se pueden disponer lucernarios más extensos en estos edificios deportivos, ya que no se producirá una merma en el confort de los espacios bajo grandes lucernarios y no será necesario malgastar energía para rebajar la temperatura interior.

Asimismo, la gran estanqueidad de los paneles de policarbonato celular asegura un ambiente libre de humedades que permite la práctica sana y segura del deporte en los espacios iluminados de forma natural por lucernarios de policarbonato celular Danpal®. Anímicamente, está demostrado que la luz natural eleva el espíritu y ayuda a mantenerse emocionalmente sano, para mantener en buenas
condiciones tanto cuerpo como alma.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Façade Materials Promise Strength and Beauty

Durability and appearance are the key elements that determine whether or not a building is maintaining its function. The durability of a building’s components is tested by the weather that constantly challenges its composition. If a building is made of cheap materials of inferior quality, the structure will soon begin to show the effects of the deterioration that weather inflicts upon it. Appearance may be the more difficult trait to define because preferences vary from person to person, but we can all agree on certain basic aspects of whether or not a building is attractive. Façade materials are key ingredients for both appearance and durability; at Danpal, we design our façade materials of the highest quality in order to give a building the protection that it needs for long life.
The Role of Microcell Technology in Façade Materials
Microcell technology is a powerful force in the construction industry, one that’s proven to be strong enough to withstand the beating that weather gives to a building. Hail is a particularly harmful element that can do serious damage to a structure, but it’s no match for the Danpal force shield. The Danpal snap-lock connection system prevents hail, rain, snow, and wind from penetrating the building’s exterior. Higher load resistance results from the double-click locking seam. The façade materials’ unique cell structure is credited with providing superior thermal insulation, reinforcing the building’s ability to resist weather. There’s even UV protection so that the long-term harmful effects of the sun are minimized.
Façade Materials That Are Powerful in Strength and Light in Weight
That might sound as if it’s not possible. How can something that’s lightweight be strong? Danpal engineering has developed façade materials that are flexible, not flimsy. Flexibility aids in installation so that the process takes less time. Our research and development has created a design that saves you money and time and avoids inconvenience.
Façade Materials Promote An Attractive Appearance
Danpal is known for being pioneers in the field of daylighting architecture, as well as for the variety of options that we offer in our façade materials. The result is a feast of esthetic possibilities that permits an architect to unleash creativity to the utmost.

We don’t need to sell the concept of natural light as an advantage in architecture. We all derive so many benefits from exposure to daylight, from a more productive attitude to a sense of wellbeing, that we wonder why everyone isn’t incorporating daylighting into their designs. But we combine the daylight advantage with a color palette that lets your building project an image of originality. The style of the building will, of course, guide you in your choices of façade materials, but whether your design is traditional or contemporary, you’ll have an impressive display of features to choose from. The esthetic appearance of a building is enhanced when you make full use of the Danpal options to add brick stacks, columns, or feature lighting. Imagine the effect if your façade materials utilize alternate layers of dark and light colors, perhaps with different textures, for a final effect that’s truly dazzling. Natural light on the inside, and color on the outside . . . the result is a building that pleases the eye and satisfies the spirit.
Facade Materials

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Danpal’s Roofing Systems Are Built To Last

When choosing a roofing system, don’t forget to consider the life span that you want your building to have. A roofing system is a key component in predicting a building’s length of life because the roofing system is so important in protecting the interior of a structure from the threat of weather damage. Danpal boasts roofing systems that are airtight and watertight and 100% leakproof. They’re  lightweight and easy to install. They deliver a superior thermal performance, have high-impact resistance, and show off an impressive visual appearance. Our roofing systems have transparency and tonal qualities, flexibility, and a balance of light and thermal dynamics that’s superior in function. We’re eager to tell you more about our Danpal roofing systems and we know you’ll like what you’re hearing.
Roofing Systems That Deliver Daylight
You might not expect a roof to be a primary source of natural light, but that’s because you may not know that Danpal is a pioneer in the art of daylighting techniques. The ribs of our roofing are made with tight spacing; this allows an impressive quality of light to come in, altering the appearance and improving the atmosphere of your internal building.
How Danpal Roofing Systems Work
Danpal roofing is a dry-glazed translucent system that can be installed either above or below different types of structures, depending upon the specific engineering and design requirements. The dry-glazed connectors are made of polycarbonate or aluminum, both renowned for their strength. Danpal’s Microcell technology is specifically designed to resist weather over the long term. On a day-to-day basis, a roofing system has to be able to take a  beating because weather never lets up. It’s always doing something, and quite often, weather is doing something that’s going to lead to trouble in the future if your roofing system isn’t capable of preventing the damage. Regardless of whether your building is going to be located in a rain-drenched region or a place where winter deals out punishing snow and cold, Danpal roofing systems are ready for whatever comes out of the sky.
You can thank our Danpalon panels for strength that surpasses the ordinary roofing system’s ability to keep weather out. Because of this, the thermal insulation renders more efficiency with better “U” and “R” values. The long life that’s so important for a building is supported by the double-tooth  connections that are particularly effective against weather.

Stricter regulations and a stronger adherence to environmental standards have had an effect on roofing. The “R” values of roofing insulation have almost tripled in recent decades. It’s a pleasure to notice how much of an effect we can have when we all work together on behalf of our planet. In the long run, quality makes the difference and that’s where Danpal stands out. We don’t manufacture cheap, poorly made products. We’ve been in business for half a century and maybe that’s way longevity is so important to us. We understand that buildings should be built to last. That’s the way we make our products.
roofing systems

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Wall Cladding Keeps Moisture Out, Energy In, and Beauty Everywhere

Moisture! It’s the enemy of a building and it’s an ever-present factor in the mind of an architect as he or she designs a building. But when moisture invades the defenses of a building, the insulation that keeps the inside of the structure dry is compromised. Eventually, the insulation will fail to perform up to standards. You’ll end up paying more for energy usage because energy is escaping outside. Your comfort will suffer. But you don’t have to put up with inferior insulation that’s not working properly.  Danpal is committed to designing building materials that protect insulation, which is why our wall cladding is such a favorite with architects and building designers. Moisture is conquered with Danpal wall cladding because the weather can’t penetrate the building’s defenses. Weather is extremely powerful but Danpal wall cladding can keep it from doing harm.
The Danpal Wall Cladding Protection
With its air gap that enables natural ventilation for a convective motion, Danpal wall cladding ensures that insulation remains dry no matter what is going on outside. Microcell technology and double-notching, connector-bound polycarbonate sheets keep the rain, snow, wind and hail from penetrating the protection of our wall cladding. If moisture is allowed to penetrate the internal structure, the potential for so much damage, both to the building and its occupants, is unleashed.
Moisture affects breathing in human beings, so if anyone in the home or on the staff suffers from allergies or respiratory problems, the issue is going to be heightened once moisture has gained a foothold. Moisture leads to mold, which is a slow process but one which affects the comfort and health of the people inside the building. Buildings don’t have breathing issues, but they can quickly deteriorate if moisture is allowed to gain the upper hand. Corrosion, permeability, and even structural collapse are all potential risks of moisture when it takes over a building.
The integrity of insulation also affects the environment, because if energy is escaping from the interior of the house, it’s energy that’s wasted. At a time when we’re all trying to reduce our carbon footprint in order to live in a manner that reflects sustainability, wasted energy is particularly harmful. It’s also costly, because it means paying for energy that you’re not using.
Wall Cladding’s Esthetic Role in a Building

Wall cladding plays such a significant role in keeping a building dry that it might be easy to forget that it also serves an esthetic purpose as well, and the options that are offered for beautifying your building are just as impressive as the structural advantages that Danpal presents. The wall cladding can be customized up to the standard length of 12.0m. That gives architects even more creative range when designing a building. Add in the tremendous variety of designs and colors that we have available and you can be sure that you’re going to have the building of your dreams. That’s  what Danpal likes doing best: delivering the dream building for the people inside.
wall cladding

Friday, February 2, 2018

Lámina de policarbonato para unificar el diseño de fachadas

La lámina de policarbonato es un material innovador que ofrece multitud de ventajas en las fachadas modernas. Quizás una de las características que a veces se aprecian menos es su carácter unificador a la hora de diseñar la envolvente de un edificio.
La lámina de policarbonato celular nació como un material humilde utilizado casi exclusivamente en edificios industriales que necesitaban iluminación cenital. Sin embargo, hoy en día se aprovechan las extraordinarias características de la lámina de policarbonato para cubrir toda la fachada de un edificio gracias a la posibilidad de diseñarla como un paño continuo en el que se integran diversos elementos como ventanas de tamaños variados. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con las fachadas pesadas, la ventaja de la lámina de policarbonato es que ofrece una libertad total en cuanto a la longitud y disposición de los huecos. La lámina de policarbonato se convierte en muchas ocasiones en un lienzo en blanco sobre el que es posible hacer realidad las soluciones de diseño que se desee.
La lámina de policarbonato permite además iluminar naturalmente todo el edificio y diseñar distintas particiones interiores sin que esto afecte a la apariencia exterior. Con la lámina de policarbonato la envolvente se diferencia totalmente del resto de elementos constructivos, permitiendo que sean las decisiones más artísticas las que se impongan en la fachada de lámina de policarbonato.
Gracias a la libertad aportada por la lámina de policarbonato, los huecos practicables de la fachada pueden diseñarse en vertical u horizontal, y es posible proyectarlos de las dimensiones que se desee o necesite, sin límites impuestos por el material de la envolvente. La lámina de policarbonato Danpal® es un material moderno y eficiente que se impone en todo tipo de edificios, incluido el entorno industrial. La posibilidad de usar un mismo material para el área de oficinas y el área de producción facilita el diseño de una imagen integral de todo el conjunto empresarial con líneas limpias y precisas potenciadas por el empleo de la lámina de policarbonato celular.
Cuando existe un afán por mostrar una imagen corporativa nítida, la lámina de policarbonato ofrece la posibilidad de cambiar o impulsar la apariencia del edificio con su iluminación nocturna. Danpal® ha desarrollado unos paneles de lámina de policarbonato que incorporan de fábrica iluminación LED a gusto del cliente, de forma que su edificio adquiera por la noche un aspecto aún más asombroso y distintivo con un gasto muy reducido de energía.

La empresa Danpal® fabrica paneles de lámina de policarbonato que aportan soluciones muy variadas para atender las necesidades de las diversas tipologías edificatorias que pueblan nuestras ciudades en la actualidad. LA lamina de policarbonato ofrece soluciones para la mayoría de los problemas constructivos de la actualidad.
lamina de policarbonato