Sunday, February 4, 2018

Wall Cladding Keeps Moisture Out, Energy In, and Beauty Everywhere

Moisture! It’s the enemy of a building and it’s an ever-present factor in the mind of an architect as he or she designs a building. But when moisture invades the defenses of a building, the insulation that keeps the inside of the structure dry is compromised. Eventually, the insulation will fail to perform up to standards. You’ll end up paying more for energy usage because energy is escaping outside. Your comfort will suffer. But you don’t have to put up with inferior insulation that’s not working properly.  Danpal is committed to designing building materials that protect insulation, which is why our wall cladding is such a favorite with architects and building designers. Moisture is conquered with Danpal wall cladding because the weather can’t penetrate the building’s defenses. Weather is extremely powerful but Danpal wall cladding can keep it from doing harm.
The Danpal Wall Cladding Protection
With its air gap that enables natural ventilation for a convective motion, Danpal wall cladding ensures that insulation remains dry no matter what is going on outside. Microcell technology and double-notching, connector-bound polycarbonate sheets keep the rain, snow, wind and hail from penetrating the protection of our wall cladding. If moisture is allowed to penetrate the internal structure, the potential for so much damage, both to the building and its occupants, is unleashed.
Moisture affects breathing in human beings, so if anyone in the home or on the staff suffers from allergies or respiratory problems, the issue is going to be heightened once moisture has gained a foothold. Moisture leads to mold, which is a slow process but one which affects the comfort and health of the people inside the building. Buildings don’t have breathing issues, but they can quickly deteriorate if moisture is allowed to gain the upper hand. Corrosion, permeability, and even structural collapse are all potential risks of moisture when it takes over a building.
The integrity of insulation also affects the environment, because if energy is escaping from the interior of the house, it’s energy that’s wasted. At a time when we’re all trying to reduce our carbon footprint in order to live in a manner that reflects sustainability, wasted energy is particularly harmful. It’s also costly, because it means paying for energy that you’re not using.
Wall Cladding’s Esthetic Role in a Building

Wall cladding plays such a significant role in keeping a building dry that it might be easy to forget that it also serves an esthetic purpose as well, and the options that are offered for beautifying your building are just as impressive as the structural advantages that Danpal presents. The wall cladding can be customized up to the standard length of 12.0m. That gives architects even more creative range when designing a building. Add in the tremendous variety of designs and colors that we have available and you can be sure that you’re going to have the building of your dreams. That’s  what Danpal likes doing best: delivering the dream building for the people inside.
wall cladding

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