Thursday, March 8, 2018

Plastic Roofing is Today’s Best Roofing Choice

During the 50 years that Danpal has been in business, we’ve seen quite a few new trends and products transform the industry. Construction has advanced to the point where it’s responsive to the energy needs of the environment. It has become a partner with technology in developing materials that are stronger, lighter, and more flexible. It makes esthetic options much more available than they were 50 years ago. But during that half century, Danpal has to admit this: weather remains a force to be reckoned with. No matter what the season can’t ignore weather and we can’t stop it. That means that whatever products we develop have to take in to consideration the effect that weather is going to have on a building. Plastic roofing has proven that it’s able to withstand weather in all the extremes that a building has to endure.
Plastic Roofing is Powerful Enough to Handle Weather
The entire building needs to be durable  when it comes to handling weather, but the roof bears the brunt of the elements, whether we’re facing heavy snows and high winds, hail, driving rain, or sunlight. Mother Nature has quite an arsenal of weapons in her weather bag. That’s why plastic roofing starts things out right by standing up to whatever is coming down from the sky. There’s a lot of strength in Danpal plastic roofing’s snap-on, interlocking, dry-glazed connectors, which are available in either aluminum or polycarbonate, two very strong materials. A roof has to be able to take the punishment that weather inflicts, but with plastic roofing, you won’t have to worry. You know that no matter what is going on outside, plastic roofing is keeping the insulation dry inside.
Plastic Roofing Supports Energy Efficiency
Danpal is committed to keeping in mind that no matter where a building is constructed, it’s somewhere on Planet Earth. That’s why our products are engineered to support modern codes which have been put in place to protect the environment. Plastic roofing’s ability to protect the insulation of  a building is a reliable way to be sure that your energy stays inside, where it belongs, and isn’t escaping outside, costing you money and enlarging the carbon footprint of your building far beyond what it should be. Buildings in developed countries account for 40% of the energy consumption in those countries, so we have to do all that we can to keep the carbon footprint small. If your insulation has been damaged by moisture, you’re already looking at higher energy bills because of escaping heating and cooling. Plastic roofing can help you to keep your energy inside your building and more money inside your wallet.

Plastic Roofing: Light to Work With
Plastic roofing is as strong as traditional roofing but it has an advantage that other kinds of roofing lack. It’s light in weight. A material that’s lightweight is easy to work with for the construction crew. It’s also easy on the building because it doesn’t burden the structure with excess pressure.
plastic roofing

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