Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Polycarbonate Sheets Fight Back Against Damaging Weather

Every time you take a stroll through the streets of your neighborhood, or you walk through a commercial neighborhood  filled with shops, you’ve enter the weather war zone. It’s a timeless battle that has endured between nature and buildings ever since the first primitive humans first built shelters and it continues today. Every building standing is subject to the fierce attack that weather mounts, an attack that might take the form of a driving storm that pours rain out of the sky as if the heavens had opened up. Or, the battle starts when snow begins to fall, the flakes accumulating until inches or even feet, in some cases, have covered the roof and landscape. Maybe the conflict between sky and building happens when hail, those pellets of ice that can vary in size from miniscule to the size of golf balls, pound the roofs and exterior of a structure. It can even be the hot sun which, day after day, ceaselessly beats down upon a building. How can a building fight back?
Polycarbonate Sheets Protect Against Weather
The weather wars aren’t going to end, but thanks to polycarbonate sheets, buildings have a super-powerful defense against the damage that the elements can cause. Polycarbonate sheets are 200 time stronger than glass, but half as heavy. That’s a double bonus because a building benefits from the lightness of the material as well as from its strength. The flexibility of polycarbonate sheets gives them a versatility that can’t be claimed by all building materials. That lightness makes polycarbonate sheets easy to install, requiring less work and less time.
Polycarbonate, which is used to make farming machinery, security screens, windshields, and the guard materials in machinery parts, comes in two forms. Solid polycarbonate is clear, flat sheeting that resembles glass. Multiwall polycarbonate is a structured sheet with hollow air chambers. Both forms are equal in strength, so the one you choose will depend on which appearance best suits your building’s structural appearance.
The Energy Efficiency of Polycarbonate Sheets
Strength is a priority for any architect who’s designing a building. So is energy efficiency. Danpal’s Ventilated Rain Systems (VRS) are made with polycarbonate panels that have an air gap that provides natural ventilation so that insulation remains dry. This feature helps to keep the energy function at its optimum level and that, in turn, helps the building to maintain its integrity. Who benefits? Everyone does. The building lasts longer because it’s functioning with dry insulation. The planet benefits because energy isn’t being wasted. It’s good to count Planet Earth among Danpal’s many satisfied customers!

Polycarbonate Sheets Enhance Visual Appeal
Daylight is one of Danpal’s most popular esthetic features and the company is proud to be a pioneer in daylighting architecture. Daylighting means that, instead of the natural light being outside the building, it’s actually inside in just the right amounts. Adding to the appearance and illumination that people use within their working and living spaces and providing a holistic aspect to the interior space.

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