Thursday, July 6, 2017

Danpal® Plastic Roofing for More Light and Better Efficiency

There’s more to a roof than meets the eye. It’s the highest point on a building, and it certainly gets noticed, but it’s not an eye-level view for people so, unless something goes wrong inside the building, no one pays much attention. But at Danpal®, we believe that the roof is the beginning of a beautiful relationship with the walls, and the harmony between the two entities is part of what gives a building its personality. We provide our clients with an impressive assortment of plastic roofing options that can be installed both above and below different structures. We use a system of snap-on, interlocking, dry-glazed connectors that are made from either polycarbonate or aluminum. The strength of the overall design, matched with the quality of the materials that we use to make our roofing systems, gives our plastic roofing the utmost in high-impact resistance and protection against weather at its most powerful.
Shed Some Light with a Danpal®  Plastic Roofing System
Instead of blocking the light from the building, our plastic roofing system welcomes it into the space below. The transparent materials that we use achieve the ideal balance between esthetics and thermal dynamics that everyone seeks, but others often fail to deliver. In order to be functional, space needs contain light so that it maintains its function. With our plastic roofing system, you’ll be dazzled by the way light floods the space while maintaining a tonal balance, thanks to our top-of-the-line materials that we use.
Danpal® Plastic Roofing System: Easy Does It!
The materials that we use deliver a flexibility that matches the impression created by the plentiful supply of light without the encumbrance of weight, avoiding placing undue pressure upon the structure. Lightweight also means that it’s easy to install, and you won’t believe how quickly it can be put into place. But here’s the best part: yes, it’s lightweight, but there’s no sacrifice of strength or impact resistance. Design flexibility makes your roof nimble and solid, all at the same time.
Danpal® Plastic Roofing Keeps Light Inside, Air and Water Out
A roof has to do its job and that means keeping the elements out of the building. Our plastic roofing solutions are both air- and watertight. You can count on our UV protection to keep your roof in top condition for longer. We have a healthy respect for the power of nature and we make our products so that environmental concerns are part of the engineering. Indoor air quality is a top priority for our design.
That means that when you’re deciding on your choice of what to buy, you don’t need to worry about quality, efficiency, or the environment because we’ve already taken care of those aspects. So what’s left for you to think about? Well, we do offer a lot of colors, finishes, aspects and spectacular effects that, we have to admit, are going to give you so many options that you might have a hard time making up your mind. But think of the fun you’ll have, considering all the options that are available for you to choose from.
plastic roofing

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